Interface BitMapCommands<K>

    • Method Detail

      • bitcount

        long bitcount​(K key)
        Execute the command BITCOUNT. Summary: Count set bits in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        key - the key
        the number of bits set to 1 in the stored string.
      • bitcount

        long bitcount​(K key,
                      long start,
                      long end)
        Execute the command BITCOUNT. Summary: Count set bits in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        key - the key
        start - the start index
        end - the end index
        the number of bits set to 1 in the stored string.
      • getbit

        int getbit​(K key,
                   long offset)
        Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
        key - the key.
        offset - the offset
        the bit value stored at offset (0 or 1).
      • bitfield

        List<Long> bitfield​(K key,
                            BitFieldArgs bitFieldArgs)
        Execute the command BITFIELD. Summary: Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 3.2.0
        key - the key
        the results from the bitfield commands as described on
      • bitpos

        long bitpos​(K key,
                    int valueToLookFor)
        Execute the command BITPOS. Summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.8.7
        key - the key
        valueToLookFor - 1 to look for 1, 0 to look for 0
        the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 according to the request. If we look for set bits (the bit argument is 1) and the string is empty or composed of just zero ints, -1 is returned. If we look for clear bits (the bit argument is 0) and the string only contains bit set to 1, the function returns the first bit not part of the string on the right. So if the string is three ints set to the value 0xff the command BITPOS key 0 will return 24, since up to bit 23 all the bits are 1. Basically, the function considers the right of the string as padded with zeros if you look for clear bits and specify no range or the start argument only. However, this behavior changes if you are looking for clear bits and specify a range with both start and end. If no clear bit is found in the specified range, the function returns -1 as the user specified a clear range and there are no 0 bits in that range.
      • bitpos

        long bitpos​(K key,
                    int bit,
                    long start)
        Execute the command BITPOS. Summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.8.7
        key - the key
        bit - 1 to look for 1, 0 to look for 0
        start - the start position
        the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 according to the request. If we look for set bits (the bit argument is 1) and the string is empty or composed of just zero ints, -1 is returned. If we look for clear bits (the bit argument is 0) and the string only contains bit set to 1, the function returns the first bit not part of the string on the right. So if the string is three ints set to the value 0xff the command BITPOS key 0 will return 24, since up to bit 23 all the bits are 1. Basically, the function considers the right of the string as padded with zeros if you look for clear bits and specify no range or the start argument only. However, this behavior changes if you are looking for clear bits and specify a range with both start and end. If no clear bit is found in the specified range, the function returns -1 as the user specified a clear range and there are no 0 bits in that range.
      • bitpos

        long bitpos​(K key,
                    int bit,
                    long start,
                    long end)
        Execute the command BITPOS. Summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.8.7
        key - the key
        bit - true to look for 1, false to look for 0
        start - the start position
        end - the end position
        the position of the first bit set to 1 or 0 according to the request. If we look for set bits (the bit argument is 1) and the string is empty or composed of just zero ints, -1 is returned. If we look for clear bits (the bit argument is 0) and the string only contains bit set to 1, the function returns the first bit not part of the string on the right. So if the string is three ints set to the value 0xff the command BITPOS key 0 will return 24, since up to bit 23 all the bits are 1. Basically, the function considers the right of the string as padded with zeros if you look for clear bits and specify no range or the start argument only. However, this behavior changes if you are looking for clear bits and specify a range with both start and end. If no clear bit is found in the specified range, the function returns -1 as the user specified a clear range and there are no 0 bits in that range.
      • bitopAnd

        long bitopAnd​(K destination,
                      K... keys)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise AND operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        keys - the keys
        The size of the string stored in the destination key, that is equal to the size of the longest input string.
      • bitopNot

        long bitopNot​(K destination,
                      K source)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise NOT operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        source - the source key
        The size of the string stored in the destination key, that is equal to the size of the longest input string.
      • bitopOr

        long bitopOr​(K destination,
                     K... keys)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise OR operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        keys - the keys
        The size of the string stored in the destination key, that is equal to the size of the longest input string.
      • bitopXor

        long bitopXor​(K destination,
                      K... keys)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise XOR operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        keys - the keys
        The size of the string stored in the destination key, that is equal to the size of the longest input string.
      • setbit

        int setbit​(K key,
                   long offset,
                   int value)
        Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
        key - the key.
        offset - the offset
        value - the value (O or 1)
        the original bit value stored at offset, 0 or 1.