Interface CountMinCommands<K,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - the type of the key
    V - the type of the value stored in the sketch
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CountMinCommands<K,​V>
    extends RedisCommands
    Allows executing commands from the count-min group. These commands require the Redis Bloom module (this modules also include Count-Min Sketches) to be installed in the Redis server.

    See the count-min command list for further information about these commands.

    • Method Detail

      • cmsIncrBy

        long cmsIncrBy​(K key,
                       V value,
                       long increment)
        Execute the command CMS.INCRBY. Summary: Increases the count of item by increment. Multiple items can be increased with one call. Group: count-min

        key - the name of the sketch, must not be null
        value - the value, must not be null
        increment - the increment
        the updated min-count for the added value
      • cmsIncrBy

        Map<V,​Long> cmsIncrBy​(K key,
                                    Map<V,​Long> couples)
        Execute the command CMS.INCRBY. Summary: Increases the count of item by increment. Multiple items can be increased with one call. Group: count-min

        key - the name of the sketch, must not be null
        couples - the set of value/increment pair, must not be null, must not be empty
        a map containing the updated min-count for each added value
      • cmsInitByDim

        void cmsInitByDim​(K key,
                          long width,
                          long depth)
        Execute the command CMS.INITBYDIM. Summary: Initializes a Count-Min Sketch to dimensions specified by user. Group: count-min

        key - the name of the sketch, must not be null
        width - the number of counters in each array. Reduces the error size.
        depth - the number of counter-arrays. Reduces the probability for an error of a certain size (percentage of total count).
      • cmsInitByProb

        void cmsInitByProb​(K key,
                           double error,
                           double probability)
        Execute the command CMS.INITBYPROB. Summary: Initializes a Count-Min Sketch to accommodate requested tolerances. Group: count-min

        key - the name of the sketch, must not be null
        error - estimate size of error. The error is a percent of total counted items (in decimal). This effects the width of the sketch.
        probability - the desired probability for inflated count. This should be a decimal value between 0 and 1.
      • cmsQuery

        long cmsQuery​(K key,
                      V item)
        Execute the command CMS.QUERY. Summary: Returns the count for one or more items in a sketch. Group: count-min

        key - the name of the sketch, must not be null
        item - the item to check, must not be null
        the count for the given item
      • cmsQuery

        List<Long> cmsQuery​(K key,
                            V... items)
        Execute the command CMS.QUERY. Summary: Returns the count for one or more items in a sketch. Group: count-min

        key - the name of the sketch, must not be null
        items - the items to check, must not be null, empty or contain null
        a list containing the count for the corresponding item
      • cmsMerge

        void cmsMerge​(K dest,
                      List<K> src,
                      List<Integer> weight)
        Execute the command CMS.MERGE. Summary: Merges several sketches into one sketch. All sketches must have identical width and depth. Weights can be used to multiply certain sketches. Default weight is 1. Group: count-min

        dest - The name of destination sketch. Must be initialized, must not be null
        src - The names of source sketches to be merged. Must not be null, must not contain null, must not be empty.
        weight - The multiple of each sketch. Default =1, can be empty, can be null