Class BlockingTransactionalJsonCommandsImpl<K>

    • Method Detail

      • jsonSet

        public <T> void jsonSet​(K key,
                                String path,
                                T value)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.SET. Summary: Sets the JSON value at path in key. Group: json
        Specified by:
        jsonSet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type for the value
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        value - the value, encoded to JSON
      • jsonSet

        public void jsonSet​(K key,
                            String path,
                            io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject json)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.SET. Summary: Sets the JSON value at path in key. Group: json
        Specified by:
        jsonSet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        json - the JSON object to store, must not be null
      • jsonSet

        public void jsonSet​(K key,
                            String path,
                            io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject json,
                            JsonSetArgs args)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.SET. Summary: Sets the JSON value at path in key. Group: json
        Specified by:
        jsonSet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        json - the JSON object to store, must not be null
        args - the extra arguments
      • jsonSet

        public void jsonSet​(K key,
                            String path,
                            io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray json)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.SET. Summary: Sets the JSON value at path in key. Group: json
        Specified by:
        jsonSet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        json - the JSON array to store, must not be null
      • jsonSet

        public void jsonSet​(K key,
                            String path,
                            io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray json,
                            JsonSetArgs args)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.SET. Summary: Sets the JSON value at path in key. Group: json
        Specified by:
        jsonSet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        json - the JSON array to store, must not be null
        args - the extra arguments
      • jsonSet

        public <T> void jsonSet​(K key,
                                String path,
                                T value,
                                JsonSetArgs args)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.SET. Summary: Sets the JSON value at path in key. Group: json
        Specified by:
        jsonSet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        value - the value to store, encoded to JSON.
        args - the extra arguments
      • jsonGet

        public <T> void jsonGet​(K key,
                                Class<T> clazz)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.GET. Summary: Returns the value at path in JSON serialized form. Group: json

        This method uses the root path ($). It maps the retrieve JSON document to an object of type <T>.

        Specified by:
        jsonGet in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        clazz - the type of object to recreate from the JSON content
      • jsonArrAppend

        public <T> void jsonArrAppend​(K key,
                                      String path,
                                      T... values)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.ARRAPPEND. Summary: Append the json values into the array at path after the last element in it. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonArrAppend in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of value
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        values - the values to append, encoded to JSON
      • jsonArrIndex

        public <T> void jsonArrIndex​(K key,
                                     String path,
                                     T value,
                                     int start,
                                     int end)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.ARRINDEX. Summary: Searches for the first occurrence of a scalar JSON value in an array. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonArrIndex in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of value
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        value - the value to be searched, encoded to JSON
        start - the start index
        end - the end index
      • jsonArrInsert

        public <T> void jsonArrInsert​(K key,
                                      String path,
                                      int index,
                                      T... values)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.ARRINSERT. Summary: Inserts the json values into the array at path before the index (shifts to the right). Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonArrInsert in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of value
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - the path, must not be null
        index - the index. The index must be in the array's range. Inserting at index 0 prepends to the array. Negative index values start from the end of the array.
        values - the values to insert, encoded to JSON
      • jsonArrPop

        public <T> void jsonArrPop​(K key,
                                   Class<T> clazz,
                                   String path,
                                   int index)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.ARRPOP. Summary: Removes and returns an element from the index in the array. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonArrPop in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        clazz - the type of the popped object
        path - path the path, defaults to root if not provided.
        index - is the position in the array to start popping from (defaults to -1, meaning the last element). Out-of-range indexes round to their respective array ends.
      • jsonArrTrim

        public void jsonArrTrim​(K key,
                                String path,
                                int start,
                                int stop)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.ARRTRIM. Summary: Trims an array so that it contains only the specified inclusive range of elements. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonArrTrim in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, must not be null
        start - the start index
        stop - the stop index
      • jsonClear

        public void jsonClear​(K key,
                              String path)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.CLEAR. Summary: Clears container values (Arrays/Objects), and sets numeric values to 0. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonClear in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided. Non-existing paths are ignored.
      • jsonDel

        public void jsonDel​(K key,
                            String path)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.DEL. Summary: Deletes a value. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonDel in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided. Non-existing paths are ignored.
      • jsonMget

        public void jsonMget​(String path,
                             K... keys)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.MGET. Summary: Returns the values at path from multiple key arguments. Returns null for nonexistent keys and nonexistent paths. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonMget in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        path - path the path
        keys - the keys, must not be null, must not contain null
      • jsonNumincrby

        public void jsonNumincrby​(K key,
                                  String path,
                                  double value)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.NUMINCRBY. Summary: Increments the number value stored at path by number. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonNumincrby in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided. Non-existing paths are ignored.
        value - the value to add
      • jsonObjKeys

        public void jsonObjKeys​(K key,
                                String path)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.OBJKEYS. Summary: Returns the keys in the object that's referenced by path. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonObjKeys in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided.
      • jsonObjLen

        public void jsonObjLen​(K key,
                               String path)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.OBJLEN. Summary: Reports the number of keys in the JSON Object at path in key. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonObjLen in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided.
      • jsonStrAppend

        public void jsonStrAppend​(K key,
                                  String path,
                                  String value)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.STRAPPEND. Summary: Appends the json-string values to the string at path. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonStrAppend in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided.
        value - the string to append, must not be null
      • jsonStrLen

        public void jsonStrLen​(K key,
                               String path)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.STRLEN. Summary: Reports the length of the JSON String at path in key. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonStrLen in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided.
      • jsonType

        public void jsonType​(K key,
                             String path)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalJsonCommands
        Execute the command JSON.TYPE. Summary: Reports the type of JSON value at path. Group: json

        Specified by:
        jsonType in interface TransactionalJsonCommands<K>
        key - the key, must not be null
        path - path the path, path defaults to $ if not provided.