Class ReactiveAutoSuggestCommandsImpl<K>

    • Method Detail

      • ftSugAdd

        public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Long> ftSugAdd​(K key,
                                                     String string,
                                                     double score,
                                                     boolean increment)
        Description copied from interface: ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands
        Execute the command FT.SUGADD. Summary: Add a suggestion string to an auto-complete suggestion dictionary Group: auto-suggest
        Specified by:
        ftSugAdd in interface ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands<K>
        key - the suggestion dictionary key
        string - the suggestion string to index
        score - the floating point number of the suggestion string's weight
        increment - increments the existing entry of the suggestion by the given score, instead of replacing the score. This is useful for updating the dictionary based on user queries in real time.
        A uni emitting the current size of the suggestion dictionary.
      • ftSugDel

        public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Boolean> ftSugDel​(K key,
                                                        String string)
        Description copied from interface: ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands
        Execute the command FT.SUGDEL. Summary: Delete a string from a suggestion index Group: auto-suggest
        Specified by:
        ftSugDel in interface ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands<K>
        key - the suggestion dictionary key
        string - the suggestion string to index
        A uni emitting true if the value was found, false otherwise
      • ftSugGet

        public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<List<Suggestion>> ftSugGet​(K key,
                                                                 String prefix)
        Description copied from interface: ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands
        Execute the command FT.SUGGET. Summary: Get completion suggestions for a prefix Group: auto-suggest
        Specified by:
        ftSugGet in interface ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands<K>
        key - the suggestion dictionary key
        prefix - is prefix to complete on.
        A uni emitting a list of the top suggestions matching the prefix, optionally with score after each entry.
      • ftSugGet

        public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<List<Suggestion>> ftSugGet​(K key,
                                                                 String prefix,
                                                                 GetArgs args)
        Description copied from interface: ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands
        Execute the command FT.SUGGET. Summary: Get completion suggestions for a prefix Group: auto-suggest
        Specified by:
        ftSugGet in interface ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands<K>
        key - the suggestion dictionary key
        prefix - is prefix to complete on.
        args - the extra argument, must not be null
        A uni emitting true if the value was found, false otherwise
      • decodeAsListOfSuggestion

        List<Suggestion> decodeAsListOfSuggestion​(io.vertx.mutiny.redis.client.Response response,
                                                  boolean hasScores)
      • ftSugLen

        public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Long> ftSugLen​(K key)
        Description copied from interface: ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands
        Execute the command FT.SUGLEN. Summary: Get the size of an auto-complete suggestion dictionary Group: auto-suggest
        Specified by:
        ftSugLen in interface ReactiveAutoSuggestCommands<K>
        key - the suggestion dictionary key
        A uni emitting the current size of the suggestion dictionary.