Class SummarizeArgs

    • Constructor Detail

      • SummarizeArgs

        public SummarizeArgs()
    • Method Detail

      • fields

        public SummarizeArgs fields​(String... fields)
        Each field passed in fields is summarized. If no FIELDS directive is passed, then all fields returned are summarized.
        fields - the fields
        the current SummarizeArgs
      • fragments

        public SummarizeArgs fragments​(int fragments)
        How many fragments should be returned. If not specified, a default of 3 is used.
        fragments - the number of fragment
        the current SummarizeArgs
      • length

        public SummarizeArgs length​(int length)
        The number of context words each fragment should contain. Context words surround the found term. A higher value will return a larger block of text. If not specified, the default value is 20.
        length - the length of each fragment
        the current SummarizeArgs
      • separator

        public SummarizeArgs separator​(String separator)
        The string used to divide between individual summary snippets. The default is ... which is common among search engines; but you may override this with any other string if you desire to programmatically divide them later on. You may use a newline sequence, as newlines are stripped from the result body anyway (thus, it will not be conflated with an embedded newline in the text)
        separator - the separator
        the current SummarizeArgs