Interface TransactionalHashCommands<K,F,V>

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public interface TransactionalHashCommands<K,F,V> extends TransactionalRedisCommands
  • Method Details

    • hdel

      void hdel(K key, F... fields)
      Execute the command HDEL. Summary: Delete one or more hash fields Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
    • hexists

      void hexists(K key, F field)
      Execute the command HEXISTS. Summary: Determine if a hash field exists Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      field - the value
    • hget

      void hget(K key, F field)
      Execute the command HGET. Summary: Get the value of a hash field Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      field - the value
    • hincrby

      void hincrby(K key, F field, long amount)
      Execute the command HINCRBY. Summary: Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      field - the value
    • hincrbyfloat

      void hincrbyfloat(K key, F field, double amount)
      Execute the command HINCRBYFLOAT. Summary: Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount Group: hash Requires Redis 2.6.0
      key - the key
      field - the value
    • hgetall

      void hgetall(K key)
      Execute the command HGETALL. Summary: Get all the fields and values in a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
    • hkeys

      void hkeys(K key)
      Execute the command HKEYS. Summary: Get all the fields in a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
    • hlen

      void hlen(K key)
      Execute the command HLEN. Summary: Get the number of fields in a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
    • hmget

      void hmget(K key, F... fields)
      Execute the command HMGET. Summary: Get the values of all the given hash fields Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      fields - the fields
    • hmset

      @Deprecated void hmset(K key, Map<F,V> map)
      Use hset(Object, Map) with multiple field-value pairs.
      Execute the command HMSET. Summary: Set multiple hash fields to multiple values Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      map - the key/value map to set
    • hrandfield

      void hrandfield(K key)
      Execute the command HRANDFIELD. Summary: Get one or multiple random fields from a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 6.2.0
      key - the key
    • hrandfield

      void hrandfield(K key, long count)
      Execute the command HRANDFIELD. Summary: Get one or multiple random fields from a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 6.2.0
      key - the key
      count - the number of random key to retrieve. If count is positive, the selected keys are distinct. If count is negative, the produced list can contain duplicated keys.
    • hrandfieldWithValues

      void hrandfieldWithValues(K key, long count)
      Execute the command HRANDFIELD. Summary: Get one or multiple random fields and their associated values from a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 6.2.0
      key - the key
      count - the number of random key to retrieve. If count is positive, the selected keys are distinct. If count is negative, the produced list can contain duplicated keys. These duplicates are not included in the produced Map.
    • hset

      void hset(K key, F field, V value)
      Execute the command HSET. Summary: Set the string value of a hash field Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      field - the field
      value - the value
    • hset

      void hset(K key, Map<F,V> map)
      Execute the command HSET. Summary: Set the string value of a hash field Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      map - the set of key -> value to add to the hash
    • hsetnx

      void hsetnx(K key, F field, V value)
      Execute the command HSETNX. Summary: Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key
      field - the value
      value - the value
    • hstrlen

      void hstrlen(K key, F field)
      Execute the command HSTRLEN. Summary: Get the length of the value of a hash field Group: hash Requires Redis 3.2.0
      key - the key
      field - the value
    • hvals

      void hvals(K key)
      Execute the command HVALS. Summary: Get all the values in a hash Group: hash Requires Redis 2.0.0
      key - the key