Interface ReactiveGraphCommands<K>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of the key
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ReactiveGraphCommands<K> extends ReactiveRedisCommands
Allows executing commands from the graph group. These commands require the Redis Graph module to be installed in the Redis server.

See the graph command list for further information about these commands.

  • Method Details

    • graphDelete

      io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Void> graphDelete(K key)
      Execute the command GRAPH.DELETE. Summary: Completely removes the graph and all of its entities. Group: graph
      key - the key, must not be null
      a uni producing null when the operation completes
    • graphExplain

      io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<String> graphExplain(K key, String query)
      Execute the command GRAPH.EXPLAIN. Summary: Constructs a query execution plan but does not run it. Inspect this execution plan to better understand how your query will get executed. Group: graph

      key - the key, must not be null
      query - the query, must not be null
      a uni producing the string representation of the query execution plan
    • graphList

      io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<List<K>> graphList()
      Execute the command GRAPH.LIST. Summary: Lists all graph keys in the keyspace. Group: graph

      a uni producing the list of list of keys storing graphs
    • graphQuery

      io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<List<Map<String,GraphQueryResponseItem>>> graphQuery(K key, String query)
      Execute the command GRAPH.QUERY. Summary: Executes the given query against a specified graph. Group: graph

      key - the key, must not be null
      query - the query, must not be null
      a map, potentially empty, containing the requested items to return. The map is empty if the query does not have a return clause. For each request item, a GraphQueryResponseItem is returned. It can represent a scalar item (GraphQueryResponseItem.ScalarItem), a node (GraphQueryResponseItem.NodeItem, or a relation (GraphQueryResponseItem.RelationItem).
    • graphQuery

      io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<List<Map<String,GraphQueryResponseItem>>> graphQuery(K key, String query, Duration timeout)
      Execute the command GRAPH.QUERY. Summary: Executes the given query against a specified graph. Group: graph

      key - the key, must not be null
      query - the query, must not be null
      timeout - a timeout, must not be null
      a map, potentially empty, containing the requested items to return. The map is empty if the query does not have a return clause. For each request item, a GraphQueryResponseItem is returned. It can represent a scalar item (GraphQueryResponseItem.ScalarItem), a node (GraphQueryResponseItem.NodeItem, or a relation (GraphQueryResponseItem.RelationItem).