Package io.quarkus.redis.datasource.timeseries

package io.quarkus.redis.datasource.timeseries
  • Class
    Represents the extra arguments of the ts.add command.
    Time Series Aggregation functions
    Represents the extra arguments of the ts.alter command.
    Configure the bucket timestamp of an aggregation in the TS.MRANGE command.
    Represents the extra arguments of the ts.create command.
    Represents a filter used in the MGET command.
    Represents the extra arguments of the ts.decrby and tx.incrby commands.
    Represents the extra arguments of the ts.mget command.
    Represent the TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE commands optional parameters.
    Represent the TS.RANGE and TS.REVRANGE commands optional parameters.
    Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
    Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
    Time Series Reducer functions
    Represents a sample from a time series
    Represent a group of samples returned by the range of mget methods.
    Represents a sample to be added to a specific time series key
    Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).
    Represent the range used in the TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE commands.
    Allows executing commands from the time series group (requires the Redis Time Series module from Redis stack).