Class MRangeArgs

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MRangeArgs extends Object implements RedisCommandExtraArguments
Represent the TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE commands optional parameters.
  • Constructor Details

    • MRangeArgs

      public MRangeArgs()
  • Method Details

    • latest

      public MRangeArgs latest()
      Used when a time series is a compaction. With LATEST, TS.MRANGE also reports the compacted value of the latest possibly partial bucket, given that this bucket's start time falls within [fromTimestamp, toTimestamp]. Without LATEST, TS.MRANGE does not report the latest possibly partial bucket. When a time series is not a compaction, LATEST is ignored.
      the current MRangeArgs
    • filterByTimestamp

      public MRangeArgs filterByTimestamp(long... timestamps)
      Filters samples by a list of specific timestamps. A sample passes the filter if its exact timestamp is specified and falls within [fromTimestamp, toTimestamp].
      timestamps - the timestamps
      the current MRangeArgs
    • filterByValue

      public MRangeArgs filterByValue(double min, double max)
      Filters samples by minimum and maximum values.
      min - the min value of the sample
      max - the max value of the sample
      the current MRangeArgs
    • withLabels

      public MRangeArgs withLabels()
      Includes in the reply all label-value pairs representing metadata labels of the time series. If WITHLABELS or SELECTED_LABELS are not specified, by default, an empty list is reported as label-value pairs.
      the current MRangeArgs
    • selectedLabels

      public MRangeArgs selectedLabels(String... labels)
      Returns a subset of the label-value pairs that represent metadata labels of the time series. Use when a large number of labels exists per series, but only the values of some of the labels are required.

      If WITHLABELS or SELECTED_LABELS are not specified, by default, an empty list is reported as label-value pairs.

      labels - the set of labels to select
      the current MRangeArgs
    • count

      public MRangeArgs count(int count)
      Limits the number of returned samples.
      count - the max number of samples to return
      the current MRangeArgs
    • align

      public MRangeArgs align(long timestamp)
      Set the time bucket alignment control for AGGREGATION. It controls the time bucket timestamps by changing the reference timestamp on which a bucket is defined.
      timestamp - the timestamp
      the current MRangeArgs
    • alignUsingRangeStart

      public MRangeArgs alignUsingRangeStart()
      Set the time bucket alignment control for AGGREGATION to the query start interval time (fromTimestamp). It controls the time bucket timestamps by changing the reference timestamp on which a bucket is defined.
      the current MRangeArgs
    • alignUsingRangeEnd

      public MRangeArgs alignUsingRangeEnd()
      Set the time bucket alignment control for AGGREGATION to the query end interval time (toTimestamp). It controls the time bucket timestamps by changing the reference timestamp on which a bucket is defined.
      the current MRangeArgs
    • aggregation

      public MRangeArgs aggregation(Aggregation aggregation, Duration bucketDuration)
      Aggregates results into time buckets.
      aggregation - the aggregation function, must not be null
      bucketDuration - the duration of each bucket, must not be null
      the current MRangeArgs
    • bucketTimestamp

      public MRangeArgs bucketTimestamp(BucketTimestamp ts)
      Controls how bucket timestamps are reported.
      ts - the bucket timestamp configuration, must not be null
      the current MRangeArgs
    • empty

      public MRangeArgs empty()
      When specified, reports aggregations also for empty buckets.
      the current MRangeArgs
    • groupBy

      public MRangeArgs groupBy(String label, Reducer reducer)
      Aggregates results across different time series, grouped by the provided label name. When combined with AGGREGATION the groupby/reduce is applied post aggregation stage.

      label is label name to group a series by. A new series for each value is produced. reducer is the reducer type used to aggregate series that share the same label value.

      label - the label, must not be null
      reducer - the reducer function, must not be null
      the current MRangeArgs
    • toArgs

      public List<Object> toArgs()
      Specified by:
      toArgs in interface RedisCommandExtraArguments
      the list of arguments.
    • getGroupByClauseArgs

      public List<String> getGroupByClauseArgs()