Class BlockingTopKCommandsImpl<K,V>

All Implemented Interfaces:
RedisCommands, TopKCommands<K,V>

public class BlockingTopKCommandsImpl<K,V> extends AbstractRedisCommandGroup implements TopKCommands<K,V>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • topkAdd

      public Optional<V> topkAdd(K key, V item)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.ADD. Summary: Adds an item to the data structure. Multiple items can be added at once. If an item enters the Top-K list, the item which is expelled is returned. This allows dynamic heavy-hitter detection of items being entered or expelled from Top-K list. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkAdd in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list where item is added, must not be null
      item - the item to add, must not be null
      an optional containing the item that get expelled if any, empty otherwise
    • topkAdd

      public List<V> topkAdd(K key, V... items)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.ADD. Summary: Adds an item to the data structure. Multiple items can be added at once. If an item enters the Top-K list, the item which is expelled is returned. This allows dynamic heavy-hitter detection of items being entered or expelled from Top-K list. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkAdd in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list where item is added, must not be null
      items - the items to add, must not be null, must not be empty, must not contain null
      a list containing for each corresponding added item the expelled item if any, null otherwise.
    • topkIncrBy

      public Optional<V> topkIncrBy(K key, V item, int increment)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.INCRBY. Summary: Increase the score of an item in the data structure by increment. Multiple items' score can be increased at once. If an item enters the Top-K list, the item which is expelled is returned. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkIncrBy in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list where item is added, must not be null
      item - the item to add, must not be null
      increment - increment to current item score. Increment must be greater or equal to 1. Increment is limited to 100,000 to avoid server freeze.
      an optional containing the item that get expelled if any, empty otherwise
    • topkIncrBy

      public Map<V,V> topkIncrBy(K key, Map<V,Integer> couples)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.INCRBY. Summary: Increase the score of an item in the data structure by increment. Multiple items' score can be increased at once. If an item enters the Top-K list, the item which is expelled is returned. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkIncrBy in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list where item is added, must not be null
      couples - The map containing the item / increment, must not be null, must not be empty
      a map containing for each added item the expelled item if any, null otherwise
    • topkList

      public List<V> topkList(K key)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.LIST. Summary: Return full list of items in Top K list. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkList in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list, must not be null
      the list of items
    • topkListWithCount

      public Map<V,Integer> topkListWithCount(K key)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.LIST. Summary: Return full list of items in Top K list. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkListWithCount in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list, must not be null
      the Map of items with the associated count
    • topkQuery

      public boolean topkQuery(K key, V item)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.QUERY. Summary: Checks whether an item is one of Top-K items. Multiple items can be checked at once. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkQuery in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list, must not be null
      item - the item to check, must not be null
      true if the item is in the list, false otherwise
    • topkQuery

      public List<Boolean> topkQuery(K key, V... items)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.QUERY. Summary: Checks whether an item is one of Top-K items. Multiple items can be checked at once. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkQuery in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list, must not be null
      items - the items to check, must not be null, must not contain null, must not be empty
      a list containing true if the corresponding item is in the list, false otherwise
    • topkReserve

      public void topkReserve(K key, int topk)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.RESERVE. Summary: Initializes a TopK with specified parameters. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkReserve in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list, must not be null
      topk - the number of top occurring items to keep.
    • topkReserve

      public void topkReserve(K key, int topk, int width, int depth, double decay)
      Description copied from interface: TopKCommands
      Execute the command TOPK.RESERVE. Summary: Initializes a TopK with specified parameters. Group: top-k

      Specified by:
      topkReserve in interface TopKCommands<K,V>
      key - the name of list, must not be null
      topk - the number of top occurring items to keep.
      width - the number of counters kept in each array. (Default 8)
      depth - the number of arrays. (Default 7)
      decay - the probability of reducing a counter in an occupied bucket. It is raised to power of it's counter (decay ^ bucket[i].counter). Therefore, as the counter gets higher, the chance of a reduction is being reduced. (Default 0.9)