Class Filters

  • public class Filters
    extends Object
    Object allowing the register filters, i.e. handler called on every HTTP request. This object is intended to be used as follows:
     public void init(@Observes Filters filters) {
         filters.register(rc -> {
             // Do something before the next filter or route
             // Do something after
         }, 10);

    The handler is the filter code. It must call to invoke the next filter or route. The priority is used to sort the filters. Highest priorities are called first.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Filters

        public Filters()
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public Filters register​(io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext> handler,
                                int priority)
        Registers a new filter.
        handler - the filter function, must not be null
        priority - the priority, must not be negative
        this object to chain registration.
      • getFilters

        public List<Filter> getFilters()
        the list of currently registered filters.