Interface ServiceDependenciesSpec

  • public interface ServiceDependenciesSpec
    Allows declaring which services depend on which services.
    See Also:
    ServiceDependencies, DependsOn
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default ServiceDependenciesSpec dependsOn​(java.lang.Class<?> dependents, java.lang.Class<?> dependencies)
      A convenience form of dependsOn(Predicate, Predicate) where the predicates are based on compatibility with the given types.
      default <T1,​T2>
      dependsOn​(java.lang.Class<T1> dependentsType, ratpack.func.Predicate<? super T1> dependents, java.lang.Class<T2> dependenciesType, ratpack.func.Predicate<? super T2> dependencies)
      Specifies that all services that are of the given dependentsType that match the dependents predicate are dependent on all services that are of the dependenciesType that match the dependencies predicate.
      ServiceDependenciesSpec dependsOn​(ratpack.func.Predicate<? super Service> dependents, ratpack.func.Predicate<? super Service> dependencies)
      Specifies that all services that match the dependents predicate are dependent on all services that match the dependencies predicate.
    • Method Detail

      • dependsOn

        ServiceDependenciesSpec dependsOn​(ratpack.func.Predicate<? super Service> dependents,
                                          ratpack.func.Predicate<? super Service> dependencies)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
        Specifies that all services that match the dependents predicate are dependent on all services that match the dependencies predicate.

        Note that legacy Service will be wrapped in a LegacyServiceAdapter when supplied to the given predicates.

        dependents - the criteria for dependent services
        dependencies - the criteria for services they depend on
        java.lang.Exception - any thrown by either predicate
      • dependsOn

        default <T1,​T2> ServiceDependenciesSpec dependsOn​(java.lang.Class<T1> dependentsType,
                                                                ratpack.func.Predicate<? super T1> dependents,
                                                                java.lang.Class<T2> dependenciesType,
                                                                ratpack.func.Predicate<? super T2> dependencies)
                                                         throws java.lang.Exception
        Specifies that all services that are of the given dependentsType that match the dependents predicate are dependent on all services that are of the dependenciesType that match the dependencies predicate.

        Note that this method is LegacyServiceAdapter aware. Adapted services are unpacked, and their real type (i.e. Service implementation type) is used.

        Type Parameters:
        T1 - the type of dependent services
        T2 - the type of services they depend on
        dependents - the criteria for dependent services
        dependencies - the criteria for services they depend on
        java.lang.Exception - any thrown by either predicate
      • dependsOn

        default ServiceDependenciesSpec dependsOn​(java.lang.Class<?> dependents,
                                                  java.lang.Class<?> dependencies)
                                           throws java.lang.Exception
        A convenience form of dependsOn(Predicate, Predicate) where the predicates are based on compatibility with the given types.

        All services that are type compatible with the dependents type, will be considered dependents of all services that are type compatible with the dependencies type.

        Note that this method is LegacyServiceAdapter aware. Adapted services are unpacked, and their real type (i.e. Service implementation type) is used.

        Use of this method is equivalent to annotating dependents with DependsOn with a value of dependencies. It can be useful in situations however where you are unable to modify the dependents class.

        dependents - the type of dependent services
        dependencies - the type of the services they depend on
        java.lang.Exception - any
        See Also: