Interface ServerConfig

    • Field Detail

      • TYPE

        static final<ServerConfig> TYPE
        A type token for this type.

        static final int DEFAULT_PORT
        The default port for Ratpack applications, 5050.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
        The default max content length.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int DEFAULT_THREADS
        The default number of threads an application should use. Calculated as Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2.

        static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
        The default maximum chunk size to use when reading request/response bodies.

        Defaults to 8192.

        See Also:
        getMaxChunkSize(), Constant Field Values

        static final int DEFAULT_MAX_INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH
        The default maximum initial line length to use when reading requests.

        Defaults to 4096

        See Also:
        getMaxInitialLineLength(), Constant Field Values

        static final int DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE
        The default maximum header size to use when reading requests.

        Defaults to 8192

        See Also:
        getMaxHeaderSize(), Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • embedded

        static ServerConfigBuilder embedded()
        Creates a builder configured for development mode and an ephemeral port.
        a server config builder
      • of

        static ServerConfig of​(ratpack.func.Action<? super ServerConfigBuilder> action)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: ConfigData
        Builds a new config data with the default object mapper, from the given definition.

        The default object mapper is constructed without argument. It then has the following Jackson modules applied implicitly:

        The DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES feature is disabled.

        The following features of the JSON factory are enabled:

        • JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES
        • JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES
        action - the config data definition
        a config data
        java.lang.Exception - any thrown by building the config data
      • getPort

        int getPort()
        The port that the application should listen to requests on.

        Defaults to 5050.

        The port that the application should listen to requests on.
      • getPortFile

        java.util.Optional<java.nio.file.Path> getPortFile()
        The path to write the port that the application is listening on.

        Defaults to empty

        the optional path the the listening port will be written to.
      • getAddress

        @Nullable getAddress()
        The address of the interface that the application should bind to.

        A value of null causes all interfaces to be bound. Defaults to null.

        The address of the interface that the application should bind to.
      • getRequiredConfig<ConfigObject<?>> getRequiredConfig()
        The config objects that were declared as required when this server config was built.

        Required config is declared via the ServerConfigBuilder.require(String, Class) when building. All required config is made part of the base registry (which the server registry joins with), which automatically makes the config objects available to the server registry.

        the declared required config
        See Also:
        ServerConfigBuilder.require(String, Class)
      • isDevelopment

        boolean isDevelopment()
        Whether or not the server is in "development" mode.

        A flag for indicating to Ratpack internals that the app is under development; diagnostics and reloading are more important than performance and security.

        In development mode Ratpack will leak internal information through diagnostics and stacktraces by sending them to the response.

        true if the server is in "development" mode
      • getThreads

        int getThreads()
        The number of threads for handling application requests.

        If the value is greater than 0, a thread pool (of this size) will be created for servicing requests and doing computation. If the value is 0 (default) or less, a thread pool of size Runtime.availableProcessors() * 2 will be used.

        This effectively sizes the ExecController.getExecutor() thread pool size.

        the number of threads for handling application requests.
      • isRegisterShutdownHook

        boolean isRegisterShutdownHook()
        Whether a JVM shutdown hook was registered for the application in order to shut it down gracefully.

        When true, the application will be stopped when the JVM starts shutting down. This allows graceful shutdown of the application when the process is terminated. Defaults to true.

        whether the shutdown hook was registered
      • getPublicAddress getPublicAddress()
        The public address of the site used for redirects.
        The url of the public address
      • getSslContext

        @Deprecated getSslContext()
        since 1.5, prefer getNettySslContext()
        The SSL context to use if the application will serve content over HTTPS.

        If the SSL context was configured with ServerConfigBuilder.ssl(SslContext), this method will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

        The SSL context or null if the application does not use SSL.
      • getNettySslContext

        io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext getNettySslContext()
        The SSL context to use if the application will serve content over HTTPS.
        The SSL context or null if the application does not use SSL.
      • isRequireClientSslAuth

        boolean isRequireClientSslAuth()
        since 1.5, replaced by getNettySslContext()
        Whether or not the server needs client SSL authentication SSLEngine.setNeedClientAuth(boolean).
        whether or not the server needs client SSL authentication
      • getMaxContentLength

        int getMaxContentLength()
        The max content length to use for the HttpObjectAggregator.
        The max content length as an int.
      • getConnectTimeoutMillis

        java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> getConnectTimeoutMillis()
        The connect timeout of the channel.
        The connect timeout in milliseconds
        See Also:
      • getMaxMessagesPerRead

        java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> getMaxMessagesPerRead()
        The maximum number of messages to read per read loop.

        If this value is greater than 1, an event loop might attempt to read multiple times to procure multiple messages.

        The maximum number of messages to read
        See Also:
      • getConnectQueueSize

        java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> getConnectQueueSize()
        The maximum amount of connections that may be waiting to be accepted at any time.

        This is effectively the SO_BACKLOG standard socket parameter. If the queue is full (i.e. there are too many pending connections), connection attempts will be rejected. Established connections are not part of this queue so do not contribute towards the limit.

        The default value is platform specific, but usually either 200 or 128. Most application do not need to change this default.

        the connection queue size
      • getWriteSpinCount

        java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> getWriteSpinCount()
        The maximum loop count for a write operation until WritableByteChannel.write(ByteBuffer) returns a non-zero value.

        It is similar to what a spin lock is used for in concurrency programming. It improves memory utilization and write throughput depending on the platform that JVM runs on.

        The write spin count
        See Also:
      • isHasBaseDir

        boolean isHasBaseDir()
        Whether or not the base dir of the application has been set.
        whether or not the base dir of the application has been set.
      • getMaxChunkSize

        int getMaxChunkSize()
        The maximum chunk size to use when reading request (server) or response (client) bodies.

        This value is used to determine the size of chunks to emit when consuming request/response bodies. This generally only has an impact when consuming the body as a stream. A lower value will reduce memory pressure by requiring less memory at one time, but at the expense of throughput.

        Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE. This value is suitable for most applications. If your application deals with very large bodies, you may want to increase it.

        the maximum chunk size
      • getMaxInitialLineLength

        int getMaxInitialLineLength()
        The maximum initial line length allowed for reading http requests.

        This value is used to determine the maximum allowed length for the initial line of an http request.

        Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH. This value is suitable for most applications. If your application deals with very large request URIs, you may want to increase it.

        the maximum initial line length allowed for http requests.
      • getMaxHeaderSize

        int getMaxHeaderSize()
        The maximum size of all headers allowed for reading http requests.

        This value is used to determine the maximum allowed size for the sum of the length all headers of an http request.

        Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE. This value is suitable for most applications. If your application deals with very large http headers, you may want to increase it.

        the maximum size of http headers allowed for an incoming http requests.
      • getIdleTimeout

        java.time.Duration getIdleTimeout()
        The default amount of time to allow a connection to remain open without any traffic.

        If the connection is idle for the timeout value, it will be closed. This value can be overridden on a per request basis by Request.setIdleTimeout(Duration).

        A value of Duration.ZERO is interpreted as no timeout. The value is never Duration.isNegative().

        This timeout affects several aspects.


        After making a connection, this timeout will fire if the client does not send any data within the timeout value. This includes the initial headers and the body. This may occur because the application has not requested more data. That is, it has not requested the body with Request.getBody() or similar. if the body is requested after the connection times out, a ConnectionClosedException will be propagated.


        This timeout also applies to writing the response. If the application does not emit a response within the timeout after the client has sent all the bytes it is going to, the connection will be closed.

        When sending a response, if the client does not read within the timeout, the connection will be closed.

        When streaming a response, if nothing is sent within the timeout, the connection will be closed. This means that if you are streaming a real time data set where new data may not be available within the timeout but you do not want to drop the connection, you should set a request specific timeout using Request.setIdleTimeout(Duration)

        Connection keep-alive

        If the client supports keep alive, the connection will remain open after first use so that it can be reused for subsequent requests from the client. If the request is not reused (i.e. no new request headers are sent) within this timeout, the connection will be closed. This value is always used for this timeout. Any specific timeout set when handling the previous request is not used.

        the default idle timeout for connections