Interface ParallelBatch<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of value produced by each promise in the batch
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ParallelBatch<T>
    extends Batch<T>
    A batch of promises to be processed, in parallel.

    Parallel batches can be created via of(Iterable).

    Each promise will be executed in a forked execution. The execInit(Action) method allows each forked execution to be customised before executing the work.

    • Method Detail

      • of

        static <T> ParallelBatch<T> of​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Promise<? extends T>> promises)
        Creates a new parallel batch of the given promises.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of item produced by each promise
        promises - the promises
        a ParallelBatch
      • of

        static <T> ParallelBatch<T> of​(Promise<? extends T>... promises)
        Creates a new parallel batch of the given promises.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of item produced by each promise
        promises - the promises
        a ParallelBatch
      • execInit

        ParallelBatch<T> execInit​(Action<? super Execution> execInit)
        Specifies an initializer for each forked execution.

        The given action will be called with each execution before processing the promise. This can be used to seed the execution registry.

        The given function will be invoked from the execution in question, and will be executed concurrently.

        execInit - the execution initializer
        a new batch, configured to use the given initializer
      • yieldAll

        Promise<java.util.List<? extends ExecResult<T>>> yieldAll()
        Processes all the promises of the batch, collecting any errors.

        This method differs from Batch.yield() in that every promise will be processed, regardless of any failure. As such, it returns ExecResult objects representing the outcome as it may be an error.

        The promise returned from this method will not fail, as failure is conveyed via the result objects of the list.

        The order of the entries in the promised list corresponds to the order of the promises originally. That is, it is guaranteed that the 2nd item in the list was the 2nd promise specified.

        Specified by:
        yieldAll in interface Batch<T>
        a promise for the result of each promise
      • yield

        Promise<java.util.List<T>> yield()
        Processes all the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error.

        This method differs from Batch.yieldAll() in that processing will be halted as soon as the first error occurs. The error will be propagated through the returned promise.

        The order of the entries in the promised list corresponds to the order of the promises originally. That is, it is guaranteed that the 2nd item in the list was the 2nd promise specified. It does not reflect the order in which promises completed.

        Multiple errors may occur due to promises being in-flight when the first error occurs. Subsequent errors will be Throwable.addSuppressed(Throwable) suppressed by the first error.

        Specified by:
        yield in interface Batch<T>
        a promise for each promised value
      • forEach

        Operation forEach​(BiAction<? super java.lang.Integer,​? super T> consumer)
        Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.

        This method is useful for aggregating or reducing the batch.

        The returned operation will complete after all items have been consumed or if there is an error.

        The integer value given the to consumer indicates the source position of the corresponding promise.

        Multiple errors may occur due to promises being in-flight when the first error occurs. Subsequent errors will be Throwable.addSuppressed(Throwable) suppressed by the first error.

        Note that the given function will be executed concurrently, as values become available.

         import org.junit.Assert;
         import ratpack.exec.Promise;
         import ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch;
         import ratpack.func.Pair;
         import ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness;
         import java.util.Arrays;
         import java.util.List;
         import java.util.Map;
         import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
         public class Example {
           public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
             Map<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
             ExecHarness.runSingle(e -> {
               List<Promise<Pair<String, Integer>>> promises = Arrays.asList(
                 Promise.value(Pair.of("a", 1)),
                 Promise.value(Pair.of("b", 2)),
                 Promise.value(Pair.of("c", 3)),
                 Promise.value(Pair.of("d", 4))
                 .forEach((i, v) -> map.put(v.left, v.right))
             Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), map.get("a"));
             Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), map.get("b"));
             Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), map.get("c"));
             Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(4), map.get("d"));
        Specified by:
        forEach in interface Batch<T>
        consumer - the consumer of promise values
        an operation for the consumption of the values
      • publisher

        TransformablePublisher<T> publisher()
        Creates a publisher that emits the promised values.

        This method differs to Batch.yield() and Batch.yieldAll() in that items are emitted as soon as they have completed. As such, it is more appropriate when wanting to stream the results in some fashion.

        Items are emitted in completion order, not source order.

        Processing is effectively halted when the first error occurs.

        The returned publisher is NOT execution bound.

        Any errors that occur after the initial will be ignored.

        Specified by:
        publisher in interface Batch<T>
        a publisher for the batch