Members list
Type members
object Cpg
class Cpg(_graph: Graph) extends AutoCloseable
Domain-specific wrapper for graph, starting point for traversals.
Domain-specific wrapper for graph, starting point for traversals.
Value parameters
- graph
the underlying graph. An empty graph is created if this parameter is omitted.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait AutoCloseableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
class DiffGraphBuilder extends DiffGraphBuilder
Domain-specific version of diffgraph builder. This is to allow schema checking before diffgraph application in the future, as well as a schema-aware point for providing backwards compatibility in odbv2.
Domain-specific version of diffgraph builder. This is to allow schema checking before diffgraph application in the future, as well as a schema-aware point for providing backwards compatibility in odbv2.
- Supertypes
class DiffGraphBuildertrait DiffOrBuilderclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
final class GeneratedNodeStarterExt(val wrapper: Cpg) extends AnyVal
- Supertypes
class AnyValtrait Matchableclass Any
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