
class Schema(val domainShortName: String, val basePackage: String, val additionalTraversalsPackages: Seq[String], val properties: Seq[Property[_]], val nodeBaseTypes: Seq[NodeBaseType], val nodeTypes: Seq[NodeType], val edgeTypes: Seq[EdgeType], val constantsByCategory: Map[String, Seq[Constant[_]]], val protoOptions: Option[ProtoOptions], val noWarnList: Set[(AbstractNodeType, Property[_])])
Value parameters:

additional packages that contain your traversals - used for .help to find @Doc annotations via reflection


specific for your domain, e.g. com.example.mydomain

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

properties that are used in edge types

properties that are used in edge types

properties that are used in node types

properties that are used in node types

Concrete fields

nodeTypes and nodeBaseTypes combined

nodeTypes and nodeBaseTypes combined

val basePackage: String
val constantsByCategory: Map[String, Seq[Constant[_]]]
val domainShortName: String
val properties: Seq[Property[_]]