
final implicit class JIterableOps[A](val jIterator: Iterator[A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def toScalaAs[B]: Iterator[B]

Wraps a java iterator into a scala iterator, and casts it's elements. This is faster than jIterator.asScala.map(_.asInstanceOf[B]) because 1) .asScala conversion is actually quite slow: multiple method calls and a match without @switch 2) no additional map step that iterates and creates yet another iterator

Wraps a java iterator into a scala iterator, and casts it's elements. This is faster than jIterator.asScala.map(_.asInstanceOf[B]) because 1) .asScala conversion is actually quite slow: multiple method calls and a match without @switch 2) no additional map step that iterates and creates yet another iterator


Concrete fields

val jIterator: Iterator[A]