
class TraversalHelp(domainBasePackage: String)

domainBasePackage: The base package that we scan for @Traversal annotations. You can register additional packages via registerAdditionalSearchPackage.

Note that this restricts us to only find @Doc annotations in classes in that namespace and it's children. If you specify the root package or leave this empty, the scan takes considerable amount of time (depending on your classpath).

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def forElementSpecificSteps(elementClass: Class[_], verbose: Boolean): String

register an additional package that should be searched for @Doc annotations

register an additional package that should be searched for @Doc annotations

Concrete fields

val ColumnNames: Array[String]
val ColumnNamesVerbose: Array[String]
val genericStepDocs: Iterable[StepDoc]
val stepDocsByElementType: Map[Class[_], List[StepDoc]]

Scans the entire classpath for classes annotated with @TraversalExt (using java reflection), to then extract the @Doc annotations for all steps, and group them by the elementType (e.g. node.Method).

Scans the entire classpath for classes annotated with @TraversalExt (using java reflection), to then extract the @Doc annotations for all steps, and group them by the elementType (e.g. node.Method).