
Type members


class ArrayAccessTraversal(val traversal: Traversal[ArrayAccess]) extends AnyVal
class AssignmentTraversal(val traversal: Traversal[Assignment]) extends AnyVal
class FieldAccessTraversal(val traversal: Traversal[FieldAccess]) extends AnyVal
trait Implicits
class NodeTypeStarters(cpg: Cpg)

Steps that allow traversing from cpg to operators.

Steps that allow traversing from cpg to operators.

class OpAstNodeTraversal[A <: AstNode](val traversal: Traversal[A]) extends AnyVal
object OpNodes
class TargetTraversal(val traversal: Traversal[Expression]) extends AnyVal

Value members

Concrete fields

val allArithmeticTypes: Set[String]

All operators representing arithmetic.

All operators representing arithmetic.

val allArrayAccessTypes: Set[String]

All operators representing array accesses.

All operators representing array accesses.

val allAssignmentTypes: Set[String]

All operators that carry out assignments.

All operators that carry out assignments.

val allFieldAccessTypes: Set[String]

All operators representing direct or indirect accesses to fields of data structures

All operators representing direct or indirect accesses to fields of data structures

val assignmentAndArithmetic: Set[String]

All operators that perform both assignments and arithmetic.

All operators that perform both assignments and arithmetic.