
@Traversal(elementType = scala.Predef.classOf[io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.CfgNode]) final
class CfgNodeTraversal[A <: CfgNode](val traversal: Traversal[A]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

@Doc(info = "Address of the code (for binary code)")
def address: Traversal[Option[String]]

Obtain hexadecimal string representation of lineNumber field.

Obtain hexadecimal string representation of lineNumber field.

@Doc(info = "Nodes directly reachable via outgoing CFG edges")
def cfgNext: Traversal[CfgNode]

Traverse to next expression in CFG.

Traverse to next expression in CFG.

def cfgNext(n: Int): Traversal[CfgNode]

All nodes reachable in the CFG by up to n forward expansions

All nodes reachable in the CFG by up to n forward expansions

@Doc(info = "Nodes directly reachable via incoming CFG edges")
def cfgPrev: Traversal[CfgNode]

Traverse to previous expression in CFG.

Traverse to previous expression in CFG.

def cfgPrev(n: Int): Traversal[CfgNode]

All nodes reachable in the CFG by up to n backward expansions

All nodes reachable in the CFG by up to n backward expansions

@Doc(info = "All nodes on which this node is control dependent")
def controlledBy: Traversal[CfgNode]

Recursively determine all nodes on which any of the nodes in this traversal are control dependent

Recursively determine all nodes on which any of the nodes in this traversal are control dependent

@Doc(info = "All nodes control dependent on this node")
def controls: Traversal[CfgNode]

Recursively determine all nodes which are control dependent on this node

Recursively determine all nodes which are control dependent on this node

@Doc(info = "All nodes by which this node is dominated")
def dominatedBy: Traversal[CfgNode]

Recursively determine all nodes by which this node is dominated

Recursively determine all nodes by which this node is dominated

@Doc(info = "All nodes that are dominated by this node")
def dominates: Traversal[CfgNode]

Recursively determine all nodes which this node dominates

Recursively determine all nodes which this node dominates

def method: Traversal[Method]

Traverse to enclosing method

Traverse to enclosing method

@Doc(info = "All nodes by which this node is post dominated")
def postDominatedBy: Traversal[CfgNode]

Recursively determine all nodes by which this node is post dominated

Recursively determine all nodes by which this node is post dominated

@Doc(info = "All nodes that are post dominated by this node")
def postDominates: Traversal[CfgNode]

Recursively determine all nodes which this node post dominates

Recursively determine all nodes which this node post dominates

@Doc(info = "Textual representation of CFG node")
def repr: Traversal[String]

Textual representation of CFG node

Textual representation of CFG node

Concrete fields

val traversal: Traversal[A]