
Members list

Type members


trait AkkaKubernetesClient extends KubernetesClient

This trait extends the generic KubernetesClient trait with streaming operations. These streaming operations have signatures that have types from the underlying streaming library, in this case Akka streams. This is the interface for any skuber client that is returned by skuber.akkaclient.k8sInit calls

This trait extends the generic KubernetesClient trait with streaming operations. These streaming operations have signatures that have types from the underlying streaming library, in this case Akka streams. This is the interface for any skuber client that is returned by skuber.akkaclient.k8sInit calls


trait KubernetesClient
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


type Pool[T] = Flow[(HttpRequest, T), (Try[HttpResponse], T), NotUsed]

Value members

Concrete methods

def k8sInit(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem): AkkaKubernetesClient

Initialise Skuber using default Kubernetes and application configuration.

Initialise Skuber using default Kubernetes and application configuration.


def k8sInit(config: Configuration)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem): AkkaKubernetesClient

Initialise Skuber using the specified Kubernetes configuration and default application configuration.

Initialise Skuber using the specified Kubernetes configuration and default application configuration.


def k8sInit(appConfig: Config)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem): AkkaKubernetesClient

Initialise Skuber using default Kubernetes configuration and the specified application configuration.

Initialise Skuber using default Kubernetes configuration and the specified application configuration.


def k8sInit(config: Configuration, appConfig: Config)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem): AkkaKubernetesClient

Initialise Skuber using the specified Kubernetes and application configuration.

Initialise Skuber using the specified Kubernetes and application configuration.


def k8sInit(k8sContext: Context, logConfig: LoggingConfig, closeHook: Option[() => Unit], appConfig: Config)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem): AkkaKubernetesClient