Class UniSubscribe<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of item

    public class UniSubscribe<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Allow subscribing to a Uni to be notified of the different events coming from upstream. Two kind of events can be received:
    • item - the item of the Uni, can be null
    • failure - the failure propagated by the Uni
    • Constructor Detail

      • UniSubscribe

        public UniSubscribe​(AbstractUni<T> upstream)
    • Method Detail

      • withSubscriber

        public <S extends UniSubscriber<? super T>> S withSubscriber​(S subscriber)
        Requests the Uni to start computing the item.

        This is a "factory method" and can be called multiple times, each time starting a new UniSubscription. Each UniSubscription will work for only a single UniSubscriber. A UniSubscriber should only subscribe once to a single Uni.

        If the Uni rejects the subscription attempt or otherwise fails it will fire a failure event receiving by UniSubscriber.onFailure(Throwable).

        Type Parameters:
        S - the type of subscriber returned
        subscriber - the subscriber, must not be null
        the passed subscriber
      • withSerializedSubscriber

        public <S extends UniSubscriber<? super T>> S withSerializedSubscriber​(S subscriber)
        Requests the Uni to start computing the item, but wraps the provided subscriber in a UniSerializedSubscriber instance that enforces correct events ordering.

        This is a "factory method" and can be called multiple times, each time starting a new UniSubscription. Each UniSubscription will work for only a single UniSubscriber. A UniSubscriber should only subscribe once to a single Uni.

        If the Uni rejects the subscription attempt or otherwise fails it will fire a failure event receiving by UniSubscriber.onFailure(Throwable).

        Type Parameters:
        S - the type of subscriber returned
        subscriber - the subscriber, must not be null
        the passed subscriber
      • with

        public Cancellable with​(java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onItemCallback,
                                java.util.function.Consumer<? super java.lang.Throwable> onFailureCallback)
        Like withSubscriber(UniSubscriber) with creating an artificial UniSubscriber calling the onItem and onFailure callbacks when the events are received.

        Unlike withSubscriber(UniSubscriber), this method returns the subscription that can be used to cancel the subscription.

        onItemCallback - callback invoked when the an item event is received, potentially called with null is received. The callback must not be null
        onFailureCallback - callback invoked when a failure event is received, must not be null
        an object to cancel the computation
      • with

        @Experimental("Context support is a new experimental API introduced in Mutiny 1.3.0")
        public Cancellable with​(Context context,
                                java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onItemCallback,
                                java.util.function.Consumer<? super java.lang.Throwable> onFailureCallback)
        Like withSubscriber(UniSubscriber) with creating an artificial UniSubscriber calling the onItem and onFailure callbacks when the events are received.

        Unlike withSubscriber(UniSubscriber), this method returns the subscription that can be used to cancel the subscription.

        context - the context, must not be null
        onItemCallback - callback invoked when the an item event is received, potentially called with null is received. The callback must not be null
        onFailureCallback - callback invoked when a failure event is received, must not be null
        an object to cancel the computation
      • with

        @Experimental("Context support is a new experimental API introduced in Mutiny 1.3.0")
        public Cancellable with​(Context context,
                                java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onItemCallback)
        Like withSubscriber(UniSubscriber) with creating an artificial UniSubscriber calling the onItem when the item is received.

        Unlike withSubscriber(UniSubscriber), this method returns the subscription that can be used to cancel the subscription.

        Unlike with(Consumer, Consumer), this method does not handle failure, and the failure event is dropped.

        context - the context, must not be null
        onItemCallback - callback invoked when the an item event is received, potentially called with null is received. The callback must not be null
        an object to cancel the computation
      • with

        public Cancellable with​(java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onItemCallback)
        Like withSubscriber(UniSubscriber) with creating an artificial UniSubscriber calling the onItem when the item is received.

        Unlike withSubscriber(UniSubscriber), this method returns the subscription that can be used to cancel the subscription.

        Unlike with(Consumer, Consumer), this method does not handle failure, and the failure event is dropped.

        onItemCallback - callback invoked when the an item event is received, potentially called with null is received. The callback must not be null
        an object to cancel the computation
      • asCompletionStage

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<T> asCompletionStage()
        Like withSubscriber(UniSubscriber) but provides a CompletableFuture to retrieve the completed item (potentially null) and allow chaining operations.
        a CompletableFuture to retrieve the item and chain operations on the resolved item or failure. The returned CompletableFuture can also be used to cancel the computation.
      • asCompletionStage

        @Experimental("Context support is a new experimental API introduced in Mutiny 1.3.0")
        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<T> asCompletionStage​(Context context)
        Like withSubscriber(UniSubscriber) but provides a CompletableFuture to retrieve the completed item (potentially null) and allow chaining operations.
        context - the context, must not be null
        a CompletableFuture to retrieve the item and chain operations on the resolved item or failure. The returned CompletableFuture can also be used to cancel the computation.