Class AssertSubscriber<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of the items
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ContextSupport, org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>

    public class AssertSubscriber<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>, ContextSupport
    A Multi Subscriber for testing purposes that comes with useful assertion helpers.
    • Field Detail


        public static java.time.Duration DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        The default timeout used by await method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AssertSubscriber

        public AssertSubscriber​(Context context,
                                long requested,
                                boolean cancelled)
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber.
        context - the context
        requested - the number of initially requested items
        cancelled - true if the subscription is immediately cancelled, false otherwise
      • AssertSubscriber

        public AssertSubscriber​(long requested,
                                boolean cancelled)
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber.
        requested - the number of initially requested items
        cancelled - true if the subscription is immediately cancelled, false otherwise
      • AssertSubscriber

        public AssertSubscriber()
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber with 0 requested items and no upfront cancellation.
      • AssertSubscriber

        public AssertSubscriber​(long requested)
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber with no upfront cancellation.
        requested - the number of initially requested items
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static <T> AssertSubscriber<T> create()
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber with 0 requested items and no upfront cancellation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the items type
        a new subscriber
      • create

        public static <T> AssertSubscriber<T> create​(long requested)
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber with no upfront cancellation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the items type
        requested - the number of initially requested items
        a new subscriber
      • create

        public static <T> AssertSubscriber<T> create​(Context context)
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber with 0 requested items and no upfront cancellation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the items type
        context - the context
        a new subscriber
      • create

        public static <T> AssertSubscriber<T> create​(Context context,
                                                     long requested)
        Creates a new AssertSubscriber with no upfront cancellation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the items type
        context - the context
        requested - the number of initially requested items
        a new subscriber
      • context

        public Context context()
        Description copied from interface: ContextSupport
        Provide a context.

        Since calls to this method shall only be triggered when a Mutiny pipeline uses a withContext operator, there is no need in general for caching the context value in a field of the implementing class. Exceptions include operators that have cross-subscriber semantics such as memoizers or broadcasters.

        This method is expected to be called once per withContext operator.

        Specified by:
        context in interface ContextSupport
        the context, must not be null.
      • assertFailedWith

        public AssertSubscriber<T> assertFailedWith​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Throwable> expectedTypeOfFailure,
                                                    java.lang.String expectedFailureMessage)
        Assert that the multi has failed.
        expectedTypeOfFailure - the expected failure type
        expectedFailureMessage - a message to be contained in the failure message, or null when any message is fine
        this AssertSubscriber
      • assertFailedWith

        public AssertSubscriber<T> assertFailedWith​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Throwable> expectedTypeOfFailure)
        Assert that the multi has failed.
        expectedTypeOfFailure - the expected failure type
        this AssertSubscriber
      • assertTerminated

        public AssertSubscriber<T> assertTerminated()
        Assert that the multi has been terminated, i.e. received a failure or a completion event.
        this AssertSubscriber
      • assertNotTerminated

        public AssertSubscriber<T> assertNotTerminated()
        Assert that the multi has not been terminated, i.e. did not received a failure or a completion event.
        this AssertSubscriber
      • assertItems

        public final AssertSubscriber<T> assertItems​(T... expected)
        Assert that a sequence of items has been received (in whole and in exact order).
        expected - a sequence of items
        this AssertSubscriber
      • getLastItem

        public T getLastItem()
        get the last received item, potentially null if no items have been received.
      • assertLastItem

        public AssertSubscriber<T> assertLastItem​(T expected)
        Asserts that the last received item is equal to expected. The assertion fails if no items have been received.
        expected - the expected item, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitNextItem

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitNextItem()
        Awaits for the next item. If no item have been received before the default timeout, an AssertionError is thrown.

        Note that it requests one item from the upstream.

        this AssertSubscriber
        See Also:
        awaitNextItems(int, int)
      • awaitNextItem

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitNextItem​(java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for the next item. If no item have been received before the given timeout, an AssertionError is thrown.

        Note that it requests one item from the upstream.

        duration - the timeout, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
        See Also:
        awaitNextItems(int, int)
      • awaitNextItems

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitNextItems​(int number)
        Awaits for the next number items. If not enough items have been received before the default timeout, an AssertionError is thrown.

        This method requests number items the upstream.

        number - the number of items to expect, must be neither 0 nor negative.
        this AssertSubscriber
        See Also:
        awaitNextItems(int, int)
      • awaitNextItems

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitNextItems​(int number,
                                                  int request)
        Awaits for the next number items. If not enough items have been received before the default timeout, an AssertionError is thrown.
        number - the number of items to expect, must neither be 0 nor negative.
        request - if not 0, the number of items to request upstream.
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitNextItems

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitNextItems​(int number,
                                                  java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for the next number items. If not enough items have been received before the given timeout, an AssertionError is thrown.

        This method requests number items upstream.

        number - the number of items to expect, must be neither 0 nor negative.
        duration - the timeout, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitNextItems

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitNextItems​(int number,
                                                  int request,
                                                  java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for the next number items. If not enough items have been received before the given timeout, an AssertionError is thrown.
        number - the number of items to expect, must be neither 0 nor negative.
        request - if not 0, the number of items to request upstream.
        duration - the timeout, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitItems

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitItems​(int number)
        Awaits for the subscriber to receive number items in total (including the ones received after calling this method). If not enough items have been received before the default timeout, an AssertionError is thrown. Unlike awaitNextItems(int, int), this method does not request items from the upstream.
        number - the number of items to expect, must be neither 0 nor negative.
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitItems

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitItems​(int number,
                                              java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for the subscriber to receive number items in total (including the ones received after calling this method). If not enough items have been received before the given timeout, an AssertionError is thrown. Unlike awaitNextItems(int, int), this method does not requests items from the upstream.
        number - the number of items to expect, must be neither 0 nor negative.
        duration - the timeout, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitCompletion

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitCompletion()
        Awaits for a completion event. It waits at most DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

        If the timeout expired, or if a failure event is received instead of the expected completion, the check fails.

        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitCompletion

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitCompletion​(java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for a completion event at most duration.

        If the timeout expired, or if a failure event is received instead of the expected completion, the check fails.

        duration - the duration, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitFailure

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitFailure()
        Awaits for a failure event. It waits at most DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

        If the timeout expired, or if a completion event is received instead of the expected failure, the check fails.

        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitFailure

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitFailure​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Throwable> assertion)
        Awaits for a failure event and validate it. It waits at most DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

        If the timeout expired, or if a completion event is received instead of the expected failure, the check fails. The received failure is validated using the assertion consumer. The code of the consumer is expected to throw an AssertionError to indicate that the failure didn't pass the validation. The consumer is not called if no failures are received.

        assertion - a check validating the received failure (if any). Must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitFailure

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitFailure​(java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for a failure event. It waits at most duration.

        If the timeout expired, or if a completion event is received instead of the expected failure, the check fails.

        duration - the max duration to wait, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitFailure

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitFailure​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Throwable> assertion,
                                                java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for a failure event and validate it. It waits at most duration.

        If the timeout expired, or if a completion event is received instead of the expected failure, the check fails. The received failure is validated using the assertion consumer. The code of the consumer is expected to throw an AssertionError to indicate that the failure didn't pass the validation. The consumer is not called if no failures are received.

        assertion - a check validating the received failure (if any). Must not be null
        duration - the max duration to wait, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitSubscription

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitSubscription()
        Awaits for a subscription event (the subscriber receives a Subscription from the upstream. It waits at most DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

        If the timeout expired, the check fails.

        this AssertSubscriber
      • awaitSubscription

        public AssertSubscriber<T> awaitSubscription​(java.time.Duration duration)
        Awaits for a subscription event (the subscriber receives a Subscription from the upstream. It waits at most duration.

        If the timeout expired, the check fails.

        duration - the duration, must not be null
        this AssertSubscriber
      • onSubscribe

        public void onSubscribe​(org.reactivestreams.Subscription s)
        Specified by:
        onSubscribe in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
      • onNext

        public void onNext​(T t)
        Specified by:
        onNext in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
      • onError

        public void onError​(java.lang.Throwable t)
        Specified by:
        onError in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
      • onComplete

        public void onComplete()
        Specified by:
        onComplete in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
      • getItems

        public java.util.List<T> getItems()
        The list of items that have been received.
        the list
      • getFailure

        public java.lang.Throwable getFailure()
        The reported failure, if any.
        the failure or null
      • isCancelled

        public boolean isCancelled()
        Check whether the subscription has been cancelled or not.
        a boolean
      • hasCompleted

        public boolean hasCompleted()
        Check whether the multi has completed.
        a boolean