Class UniJoin.JoinAllStrategy<T>

    • Method Detail

      • usingConcurrencyOf

        public UniJoin.JoinAllStrategyTerminal<T> usingConcurrencyOf​(int limit)
        Limit the number of concurrent upstream subscriptions.

        When not specified all upstream Uni are being subscribed when the joining Uni is subscribed.

        Setting a limit is useful when you have a large number of Uni to join and their simultaneous subscriptions might overwhelm resources (e.g., database connections, etc).

        limit - the concurrency limit, must be strictly positive
        an object to conclude the join strategy
      • andFailFast

        public Uni<java.util.List<T>> andFailFast()
        Immediately forward the first failure from any of the Uni, and cancel the remaining Uni subscriptions, ignoring eventual subsequent failures.
        Specified by:
        andFailFast in interface UniJoin.JoinAllStrategyTerminal<T>
        a new Uni