Class MultiIfEmpty<T>

  • public class MultiIfEmpty<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Multi<T> continueWith​(java.lang.Iterable<T> items)
      When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, continue with the given items.
      Multi<T> continueWith​(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.lang.Iterable<? extends T>> supplier)
      When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, continue with the items produced by the given Supplier.
      Multi<T> continueWith​(T... items)
      When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, continue with the given items.
      Multi<T> fail()
      Like failWith(Throwable) but using a NoSuchElementException.
      Multi<T> failWith​(java.lang.Throwable failure)
      When the current Multi completes without having emitted items, the passed failure is sent downstream.
      Multi<T> failWith​(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.lang.Throwable> supplier)
      When the current Multi completes without having emitted items, a failure produced by the given Supplier is sent downstream.
      Multi<T> switchTo​(java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher<? extends T> other)
      When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, it continues with the events fired by the passed Flow.Publisher / Multi.
      Multi<T> switchTo​(java.util.function.Supplier<java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher<? extends T>> supplier)
      When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, it continues with the events fired by a Flow.Publisher produces with the given Supplier.
      Multi<T> switchToEmitter​(java.util.function.Consumer<MultiEmitter<? super T>> consumer)
      When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, it continues with the events fired with the emitter passed to the consumer callback.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • failWith

        public Multi<T> failWith​(java.lang.Throwable failure)
        When the current Multi completes without having emitted items, the passed failure is sent downstream.
        failure - the failure
        the new Multi
      • failWith

        public Multi<T> failWith​(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.lang.Throwable> supplier)
        When the current Multi completes without having emitted items, a failure produced by the given Supplier is sent downstream.
        supplier - the supplier to produce the failure, must not be null, must not produce null
        the new Multi
      • switchToEmitter

        public Multi<T> switchToEmitter​(java.util.function.Consumer<MultiEmitter<? super T>> consumer)
        When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, it continues with the events fired with the emitter passed to the consumer callback.

        If the upstream Multi fails, the switch does not apply.

        consumer - the callback receiving the emitter to fire the events. Must not be null. Throwing exception in this function propagates a failure downstream.
        the new Multi
      • switchTo

        public Multi<T> switchTo​(java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher<? extends T> other)
        When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, it continues with the events fired by the passed Flow.Publisher / Multi.

        If the upstream Multi fails, the switch does not apply.

        other - the stream to switch to when the upstream completes.
        the new Multi
      • switchTo

        public Multi<T> switchTo​(java.util.function.Supplier<java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher<? extends T>> supplier)
        When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, it continues with the events fired by a Flow.Publisher produces with the given Supplier.
        supplier - the supplier to use to produce the publisher, must not be null, must not return nulls
        the new Uni
      • continueWith

        public final Multi<T> continueWith​(T... items)
        When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, continue with the given items.
        items - the items, must not be null, must not contain null
        the new Multi
      • continueWith

        public Multi<T> continueWith​(java.lang.Iterable<T> items)
        When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, continue with the given items.
        items - the items, must not be null, must not contain null
        the new Multi
      • continueWith

        public Multi<T> continueWith​(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.lang.Iterable<? extends T>> supplier)
        When the upstream Multi completes without having emitted items, continue with the items produced by the given Supplier.
        supplier - the supplier to produce the items, must not be null, must not produce null
        the new Multi