Interface OutboundConnector

All Superinterfaces:

public interface OutboundConnector extends ConnectorFactory
SPI used to implement a connector managing a sink of messages for a specific transport. For example, to handle dispatch messages to Kafka, the reactive messaging extension would implement a bean implementing this interface. This bean is called for every stream that needs to be created for this specific transport (so Kafka in this example). These streams are connected to methods annotated with Outgoing.

The factory is called to create a subscriber for each configured transport. The configuration is done using MicroProfile Config. The following snippet gives an example for a hypothetical Kafka connector:

The configuration keys are structured as follows: mp.messaging.[incoming|outgoing].channel-name.attribute or mp.messaging.[connector].connector-name.attribute. Channel names are not expected to contain . so the first occurrence of a . in the channel-name portion of a property terminates the channel name and precedes the attribute name. For connector attributes, the longest string, inclusive of .s, that matches a loadable connector is used as a connector-name. The remainder, after a . separator, is the attribute name. Configuration keys that begin mp.messaging.incoming are not used for OutboundConnector configuration.

The channel-name segment in the configuration key corresponds to the name of the channel used in the Outgoing annotation:

 public CompletionStage<String> produce(String s) {
     // ...

The set of attributes depend on the connector and transport layer (For example, bootstrap.servers is Kafka specific). The connector attribute indicates the name of the connector. It will be matched to the value returned by the Connector qualifier used on the relevant OutboundConnector bean implementation. This is how a reactive messaging implementation looks for the specific OutboundConnector required for a channel. Any mp.messaging.connector attributes for the channel's connector are also included in the set of relevant attributes. Where an attribute is present for both a channel and its connector the value of the channel specific attribute will take precedence. In the previous configuration, the smallrye reactive messaging would need to find the OutboundConnector implementation qualified with the Connector qualifier with the value acme.kafka to create the my-channel subscriber. Note that if the connector cannot be found, the deployment must be failed with a DeploymentException.

The getSubscriber(Config) is called for every channel that needs to be created. The Config object passed to the method contains a subset of the global configuration, and with the prefixes removed. So for the previous configuration, it would be:

 bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092
 topic = my-topic

So the connector implementation can retrieve the value with Config.getValue(String, Class) and Config.getOptionalValue(String, Class).

If the configuration is invalid, the getSubscriber(Config) method must throw an IllegalArgumentException, caught by smallrye reactive messaging implementation and triggering a failure in the deployment.

This class is specific to SmallRye and is uses internally instead of OutgoingConnectorFactory. Instead of a SubscriberBuilder, it returns a Flow.Subscriber.

  • Method Details

    • getSubscriber

      Flow.Subscriber<? extends Message<?>> getSubscriber(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
      Creates a channel for the given configuration. The channel's configuration is associated with a specific connector, using the Connector qualifier's parameter indicating a key to which Outgoing to use.

      Note that the connection to the transport or broker is generally postponed until the subscription.

      config - the configuration, never null, must contain the ConnectorFactory.CHANNEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE attribute.
      the created Flow.Subscriber, must not be null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the configuration is invalid.
      NoSuchElementException - if the configuration does not contain an expected attribute.