Interface KafkaCommitHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
KafkaCheckpointCommit, KafkaIgnoreCommit, KafkaLatestCommit, KafkaThrottledLatestProcessedCommit

@Experimental("Experimental API") public interface KafkaCommitHandler
Kafka commit handling strategy
  • Method Details

    • received

      default <K, V> io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<IncomingKafkaRecord<K,V>> received(IncomingKafkaRecord<K,V> record)
      Called on message received but before calling the processing function. Returned Uni allows chaining asynchronous actions before message processing.
      Type Parameters:
      K - type of record key
      V - type of record value
      record - incoming Kafka record
      the Uni yielding the received record
    • terminate

      default void terminate(boolean graceful)
      Called on channel shutdown
      graceful - true if it is a graceful shutdown
    • partitionsAssigned

      default void partitionsAssigned(Collection<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> partitions)
      Called on partitions assigned on Kafka rebalance listener
      partitions - assigned partitions
    • partitionsRevoked

      default void partitionsRevoked(Collection<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> partitions)
      Called on partitions revokd on Kafka rebalance listener
      partitions - revoked partitions
    • handle

      <K, V> io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Void> handle(IncomingKafkaRecord<K,V> record)
      Handle message acknowledgment
      Type Parameters:
      K - type of record key
      V - type of record value
      record - incoming Kafka record
      a completion stage completed when the message is acknowledged.