package mutator

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. object BOL2BOI extends TokenMutator

    Change beginning of line ^ to beginning of input \A

    Change beginning of line ^ to beginning of input \A

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. ^a\Aa

  2. object BOLRemoval extends TokenMutator

    Remove beginning of line character ^

    Remove beginning of line character ^

    Mutation level(s): 1, 2, 3

    1. ^aa

  3. object BuiltinMutators

    The object that manages all built-in token mutators

  4. object BuiltinMutatorsJS

    A wrapper class for weaponregex.mutator.BuiltinMutators for exporting to JavaScript

    A wrapper class for weaponregex.mutator.BuiltinMutators for exporting to JavaScript

    @JSExportTopLevel("BuiltinMutators") @JSExportAll()
  5. object CharClassAnyChar extends TokenMutator

    Change character class to match any character [\w\W]

    Change character class to match any character [\w\W]

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. [abc][\w\W]

  6. object CharClassChildRemoval extends TokenMutator

    Remove a child from character class

    Remove a child from character class

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. [abc][ab], [ac], [bc]

  7. object CharClassNegation extends TokenMutator

    Negate character class

    Negate character class

    Mutation level(s): 1

    1. [abc][^abc]

  8. object CharClassRangeModification extends TokenMutator

    Modify the range inside the character class by increasing or decreasing once

    Modify the range inside the character class by increasing or decreasing once

    Mutation level(s): 3

    1. [b-y][a-y], [c-y], [b-x], [b-z]

  9. object EOL2EOI extends TokenMutator

    Change end of line $ to end pf input \z

    Change end of line $ to end pf input \z

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a$a\z

  10. object EOLRemoval extends TokenMutator

    Remove end of line character $

    Remove end of line character $

    Mutation level(s): 1, 2, 3

    1. a$a

  11. object GroupToNCGroup extends TokenMutator

    Modify capturing group to non-capturing group

    Modify capturing group to non-capturing group

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. (abc)(?:abc)

  12. object LookaroundNegation extends TokenMutator

    Negate lookaround (lookahead, lookbehind) constructs

    Negate lookaround (lookahead, lookbehind) constructs

    Mutation level(s): 1, 2, 3

    1. (?=abc)(?!abc)

  13. object POSIXCharClassNegation extends TokenMutator

    Negate POSIX character class

    Negate POSIX character class

    Mutation level(s): 1

    1. \p{Alpha}\P{Alpha}

  14. object PredefCharClassAnyChar extends TokenMutator

    "Add the negation of that predefined character class to match any character [\\w\\W]"

    "Add the negation of that predefined character class to match any character [\\w\\W]"

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. \d[\d\D]

  15. object PredefCharClassNegation extends TokenMutator

    Negate predefined character class

    Negate predefined character class

    Mutation level(s): 1

    1. \d\D

  16. object PredefCharClassNullification extends TokenMutator

    Nullify a predefined character class by removing the \

    Nullify a predefined character class by removing the \

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. \dd

  17. object QuantifierNChange extends TokenMutator

    Change quantifier {n} to {0,n}, and {n,}

    Change quantifier {n} to {0,n}, and {n,}

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a{5}a{0,5}, a{5,}

  18. object QuantifierNMModification extends TokenMutator

    Modify quantifier {n,m} to {n-1,m}, {n+1,m}, {n,m-1}, and {n,m+1}

    Modify quantifier {n,m} to {n-1,m}, {n+1,m}, {n,m-1}, and {n,m+1}

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a{5,10}a{4,10}, a{6,10}, a{5,9}, a{5,11}

  19. object QuantifierNOrMoreChange extends TokenMutator

    Change quantifier {n,} to {n}

    Change quantifier {n,} to {n}

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a{5,}a{5}

  20. object QuantifierNOrMoreModification extends TokenMutator

    Modify quantifier {n,} to {n-1,}, and {n+1,}

    Modify quantifier {n,} to {n-1,}, and {n+1,}

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a{5,}a{4,}, a{6,}

  21. object QuantifierReluctantAddition extends TokenMutator

    Add reluctant quantifier type to greedy quantifier

    Add reluctant quantifier type to greedy quantifier

    Mutation level(s): 3

    1. a+a+?

  22. object QuantifierRemoval extends TokenMutator

    Remove any type of quantifier including ?, *, +, and {n,m}

    Remove any type of quantifier including ?, *, +, and {n,m}

    Mutation level(s): 1

    1. a*a

  23. object QuantifierShortChange extends TokenMutator

    Change quantifier *, + to {n}

    Change quantifier *, + to {n}

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a*a{0}

  24. object QuantifierShortModification extends TokenMutator

    Modify quantifier ?, *, + to {n,}, or {n,m}

    Modify quantifier ?, *, + to {n,}, or {n,m}

    Mutation level(s): 2, 3

    1. a*a{1,1}, a{0,0}, a{0,2}
