


package swaydb

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. swaydb
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AndThen[A] extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait Apply[+V] extends AnyRef

    Output of functions

  3. case class From[K](key: K, orAfter: Boolean, orBefore: Boolean, before: Boolean, after: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class Map[K, V, W[_]](core: Core[W], count: Option[Int] = None, skip: Int = 0, from: Option[From[K]] = None, reverseIteration: Boolean = false, till: Option[(K, V) ⇒ Boolean] = None)(implicit keySerializer: Serializer[K], valueSerializer: Serializer[V], wrap: Wrap[W]) extends Stream[(K, V), W] with Product with Serializable

    Map database API.

    Map database API.

    For documentation check -

  5. case class Set[T, W[_]](core: Core[W], from: Option[From[T]], skip: Int = 0, count: Option[Int] = None, reverseIteration: Boolean = false, till: Option[(T) ⇒ Boolean] = None)(implicit serializer: Serializer[T], wrap: Wrap[W]) extends Stream[T, W] with Product with Serializable

    Set database API.

    Set database API.

    For documentation check -

  6. implicit class StorageDoubleImplicits extends AnyRef
  7. implicit class StorageIntImplicits extends AnyRef
  8. abstract class Stream[A, W[_]] extends AnyRef
  9. trait Wrap[W[_]] extends AnyRef

    New Wrappers can be implemented by extending this trait.

Value Members

  1. implicit def andThen[A](a: A): AndThen[A]
  2. implicit def dirToDirs(dir: Dir*): Seq[Dir]
  3. implicit def pathSeqToDirs(paths: Seq[Path]): Seq[Dir]
  4. implicit def pathStringToDir(path: String): Dir
  5. implicit def pathToDir(path: Path): Dir
  6. implicit def pathToDirs(dir: Path): Seq[Dir]
  7. implicit def pathsToDirs(paths: Path*): Seq[Dir]
  8. implicit def stringToPath(path: String): Path
  9. implicit def tupleSeqToDirs(dir: Seq[(Path, Int)]): Seq[Dir]
  10. implicit def tupleStringSeqToDirs(dir: Seq[(String, Int)]): Seq[Dir]
  11. implicit def tupleStringToDirs(dir: (String, Int)): Seq[Dir]
  12. implicit def tupleToDir(dir: (Path, Int)): Dir
  13. implicit def tupleToDirs(dir: (Path, Int)): Seq[Dir]
  14. implicit def tuplesToDirs(dir: (Path, Int)*): Seq[Dir]
  15. object AndThen
  16. object Apply
  17. object Set extends Serializable
  18. object Stream
  19. object SwayDB extends LazyLogging

    Instance used for creating/initialising databases.

  20. object Wrap

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
