Interface SlotSupplier<SI extends SlotInfo>

  • Type Parameters:
    SI - The type of information that will be used to reserve a slot. The three info types are WorkflowSlotInfo, ActivitySlotInfo, and LocalActivitySlotInfo.
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    FixedSizeSlotSupplier, ResourceBasedSlotSupplier

    public interface SlotSupplier<SI extends SlotInfo>
    A SlotSupplier is responsible for managing the number of slots available for a given type of task. The three types of tasks are workflow, activity, and local activity. Implementing this interface allows you to carefully control how many tasks of any given type a worker will process at once.
    • Method Detail

      • reserveSlot

        SlotPermit reserveSlot​(SlotReserveContext<SI> ctx)
                        throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This function is called before polling for new tasks. Your implementation should block until a slot is available then return a permit to use that slot.
        ctx - The context for slot reservation.
        A permit to use the slot which may be populated with your own data.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - The worker may choose to interrupt the thread in order to cancel the reservation, or during shutdown. You may perform cleanup, and then should rethrow the exception.
      • tryReserveSlot

        java.util.Optional<SlotPermit> tryReserveSlot​(SlotReserveContext<SI> ctx)
        This function is called when trying to reserve slots for "eager" workflow and activity tasks. Eager tasks are those which are returned as a result of completing a workflow task, rather than from polling. Your implementation must not block, and If a slot is available, return a permit to use that slot.
        ctx - The context for slot reservation.
        Maybe a permit to use the slot which may be populated with your own data.
      • markSlotUsed

        void markSlotUsed​(SlotMarkUsedContext<SI> ctx)
        This function is called once a slot is actually being used to process some task, which may be some time after the slot was reserved originally. For example, if there is no work for a worker, a number of slots equal to the number of active pollers may already be reserved, but none of them are being used yet. This call should be non-blocking.
        ctx - The context for marking a slot as used.
      • releaseSlot

        void releaseSlot​(SlotReleaseContext<SI> ctx)
        This function is called once a permit is no longer needed. This could be because the task has finished, whether successfully or not, or because the slot was no longer needed (ex: the number of active pollers decreased). This call should be non-blocking.
        ctx - The context for releasing a slot.
      • getMaximumSlots

        default java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> getMaximumSlots()
        Because we currently use thread pools to execute tasks, there must be *some* defined upper-limit on the size of the thread pool for each kind of task. You must not hand out more permits than this number. If unspecified, the default is Integer.MAX_VALUE. Be aware that if your implementation hands out unreasonable numbers of permits, you could easily oversubscribe the worker, and cause it to run out of resources.

        If a non-empty value is returned, it is assumed to be meaningful, and the worker will emit MetricsType.WORKER_TASK_SLOTS_AVAILABLE metrics based on this value.

        This value should never change during the lifetime of the supplier.

        the maximum number of slots that can ever be in use at one type for this slot type.