Interface TemporalOptionsCustomizer<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Temporal Options Builder to customize. Respected types: WorkflowServiceStubsOptions.Builder, WorkflowClientOptions.Builder, TestEnvironmentOptions.Builder, WorkerOptions.Builder, WorkerFactoryOptions.Builder
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface TemporalOptionsCustomizer<T>
    Beans of this class can be added to Spring context to get a fine control over *Options objects that are created by Temporal Spring Boot Autoconfigure module.

    Only one bean of each generic type can be added to Spring context.

    See Also:
    to get access to a name and task queue of a worker that's being customized
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      T customize​(T optionsBuilder)
      This method can modify some fields of the provided builder or create a new builder altogether and return it back to be used.
    • Method Detail

      • customize

        T customize​(@Nonnull
                    T optionsBuilder)
        This method can modify some fields of the provided builder or create a new builder altogether and return it back to be used. This method is called after the *Options.Builder is initialized by the Temporal Spring Boot module, so changes done by this method will override Spring Boot configuration values.
        optionsBuilder - *Options.Builder to customize
        modified optionsBuilder or a new builder to be used by the caller code.