Class HttpServerExchange

    • Field Detail


        public static final AttachmentKey<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>> REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES
        Attachment key that can be used to hold additional request attributes

        public static final AttachmentKey<java.lang.String> REMOTE_USER
        Attachment key that can be used to hold a remotely authenticated user

        public static final AttachmentKey<java.lang.Boolean> SECURE_REQUEST
        Attachment key that can be used as a flag of secure attribute
      • requestChannel

        protected io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange.ReadDispatchChannel requestChannel
        The actual request channel. May be null if it has not been created yet.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpServerExchange

        public HttpServerExchange​(ServerConnection connection,
                                  long maxEntitySize)
      • HttpServerExchange

        public HttpServerExchange​(ServerConnection connection)
    • Method Detail

      • getProtocol

        public HttpString getProtocol()
        Get the request protocol string. Normally this is one of the strings listed in Protocols.
        the request protocol string
      • isHttp09

        public boolean isHttp09()
        Determine whether this request conforms to HTTP 0.9.
        true if the request protocol is equal to Protocols.HTTP_0_9, false otherwise
      • isHttp10

        public boolean isHttp10()
        Determine whether this request conforms to HTTP 1.0.
        true if the request protocol is equal to Protocols.HTTP_1_0, false otherwise
      • isHttp11

        public boolean isHttp11()
        Determine whether this request conforms to HTTP 1.1.
        true if the request protocol is equal to Protocols.HTTP_1_1, false otherwise
      • isSecure

        public boolean isSecure()
      • getRequestMethod

        public HttpString getRequestMethod()
        Get the HTTP request method. Normally this is one of the strings listed in Methods.
        the HTTP request method
      • setRequestMethod

        public HttpServerExchange setRequestMethod​(HttpString requestMethod)
        Set the HTTP request method.
        requestMethod - the HTTP request method
      • getRequestScheme

        public java.lang.String getRequestScheme()
        Get the request URI scheme. Normally this is one of http or https.
        the request URI scheme
      • setRequestScheme

        public HttpServerExchange setRequestScheme​(java.lang.String requestScheme)
        Set the request URI scheme.
        requestScheme - the request URI scheme
      • getRequestId

        public java.lang.String getRequestId()
      • getRequestURI

        public java.lang.String getRequestURI()
        The original request URI. This will include the host name, protocol etc if it was specified by the client.

        This is not decoded in any way, and does not include the query string.

        Examples: GET http://localhost:8080/myFile.jsf?foo=bar HTTP/1.1 -> 'http://localhost:8080/myFile.jsf' POST /my+File.jsf?foo=bar HTTP/1.1 -> '/my+File.jsf'

      • setRequestURI

        public HttpServerExchange setRequestURI​(java.lang.String requestURI)
        Sets the request URI
        requestURI - The new request URI
      • setRequestURI

        public HttpServerExchange setRequestURI​(java.lang.String requestURI,
                                                boolean containsHost)
        Sets the request URI
        requestURI - The new request URI
        containsHost - If this is true the request URI contains the host part
      • isHostIncludedInRequestURI

        public boolean isHostIncludedInRequestURI()
        If a request was submitted to the server with a full URI instead of just a path this will return true. For example:

        GET http://localhost:8080/b/../my+File.jsf?foo=bar HTTP/1.1 -> true POST /my+File.jsf?foo=bar HTTP/1.1 -> false

        true If the request URI contains the host part of the URI
      • getRequestPath

        public java.lang.String getRequestPath()
        The request path. This will be decoded by the server, and does not include the query string.

        This path is not canonicalised, so care must be taken to ensure that escape attacks are not possible.

        Examples: GET http://localhost:8080/b/../my+File.jsf?foo=bar HTTP/1.1 -> '/b/../my+File.jsf' POST /my+File.jsf?foo=bar HTTP/1.1 -> '/my File.jsf'

      • setRequestPath

        public HttpServerExchange setRequestPath​(java.lang.String requestPath)
        Set the request URI path.
        requestPath - the request URI path
      • getRelativePath

        public java.lang.String getRelativePath()
        Get the request relative path. This is the path which should be evaluated by the current handler.

        If the CanonicalPathHandler is installed in the current chain then this path with be canonicalized

        the request relative path
      • setRelativePath

        public HttpServerExchange setRelativePath​(java.lang.String relativePath)
        Set the request relative path.
        relativePath - the request relative path
      • getResolvedPath

        public java.lang.String getResolvedPath()
        Get the resolved path.
        the resolved path
      • setResolvedPath

        public HttpServerExchange setResolvedPath​(java.lang.String resolvedPath)
        Set the resolved path.
        resolvedPath - the resolved path
      • getQueryString

        public java.lang.String getQueryString()
        The query string, without the leading ?
      • setQueryString

        public HttpServerExchange setQueryString​(java.lang.String queryString)
        Set query string. Leading ? char will be removed automatically.
      • getRequestURL

        public java.lang.String getRequestURL()
        Reconstructs the complete URL as seen by the user. This includes scheme, host name etc, but does not include query string.

        This is not decoded.

      • getRequestCharset

        public java.lang.String getRequestCharset()
        Returns the request charset. If none was explicitly specified it will return "ISO-8859-1", which is the default charset for HTTP requests.
        The character encoding
      • getResponseCharset

        public java.lang.String getResponseCharset()
        Returns the response charset. If none was explicitly specified it will return "ISO-8859-1", which is the default charset for HTTP requests.
        The character encoding
      • getHostName

        public java.lang.String getHostName()
        Return the host that this request was sent to, in general this will be the value of the Host header, minus the port specifier.

        If this resolves to an IPv6 address it will not be enclosed by square brackets. Care must be taken when constructing URLs based on this method to ensure IPv6 URLs are handled correctly.

        The host part of the destination address
      • getHostAndPort

        public java.lang.String getHostAndPort()
        Return the host, and also the port if this request was sent to a non-standard port. In general this will just be the value of the Host header.

        If this resolves to an IPv6 address it *will* be enclosed by square brackets. The return value of this method is suitable for inclusion in a URL.

        The host and port part of the destination address
      • getHostPort

        public int getHostPort()
        Return the port that this request was sent to. In general this will be the value of the Host header, minus the host name.
        The port part of the destination address
      • getConnection

        public ServerConnection getConnection()
        Get the underlying HTTP connection.
        the underlying HTTP connection
      • isPersistent

        public boolean isPersistent()
      • isInIoThread

        public boolean isInIoThread()
        true If the current thread in the IO thread for the exchange
      • isUpgrade

        public boolean isUpgrade()
        True if this exchange represents an upgrade response
      • getResponseBytesSent

        public long getResponseBytesSent()
        The number of bytes sent in the entity body
      • isDispatched

        public boolean isDispatched()
      • dispatch

        public HttpServerExchange dispatch​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
        Dispatches this request to the XNIO worker thread pool. Once the call stack returns the given runnable will be submitted to the executor.

        In general handlers should first check the value of isInIoThread() before calling this method, and only dispatch if the request is actually running in the IO thread.

        runnable - The task to run
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this exchange has already been dispatched
      • dispatch

        public HttpServerExchange dispatch​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                           java.lang.Runnable runnable)
        Dispatches this request to the given executor. Once the call stack returns the given runnable will be submitted to the executor.

        In general handlers should first check the value of isInIoThread() before calling this method, and only dispatch if the request is actually running in the IO thread.

        runnable - The task to run
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this exchange has already been dispatched
      • setDispatchExecutor

        public HttpServerExchange setDispatchExecutor​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)
        Sets the executor that is used for dispatch operations where no executor is specified.
        executor - The executor to use
      • getDispatchExecutor

        public java.util.concurrent.Executor getDispatchExecutor()
        Gets the current executor that is used for dispatch operations. This may be null
        The current dispatch executor
      • upgradeChannel

        public HttpServerExchange upgradeChannel​(HttpUpgradeListener listener)
        Upgrade the channel to a raw socket. This method set the response code to 101, and then marks both the request and response as terminated, which means that once the current request is completed the raw channel can be obtained from AbstractServerConnection.getChannel()
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a response or upgrade was already sent, or if the request body is already being read
      • upgradeChannel

        public HttpServerExchange upgradeChannel​(java.lang.String productName,
                                                 HttpUpgradeListener listener)
        Upgrade the channel to a raw socket. This method set the response code to 101, and then marks both the request and response as terminated, which means that once the current request is completed the raw channel can be obtained from AbstractServerConnection.getChannel()
        productName - the product name to report to the client
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a response or upgrade was already sent, or if the request body is already being read
      • getSourceAddress

        public getSourceAddress()
        Get the source address of the HTTP request.
        the source address of the HTTP request
      • setSourceAddress

        public HttpServerExchange setSourceAddress​( sourceAddress)
        Sets the source address of the HTTP request. If this is not explicitly set the actual source address of the channel is used.
        sourceAddress - The address
      • getDestinationAddress

        public getDestinationAddress()
        Get the destination address of the HTTP request.
        the destination address of the HTTP request
      • setDestinationAddress

        public HttpServerExchange setDestinationAddress​( destinationAddress)
        Sets the destination address of the HTTP request. If this is not explicitly set the actual destination address of the channel is used.
        destinationAddress - The address
      • getRequestHeaders

        public HeaderMap getRequestHeaders()
        Get the request headers.
        the request headers
      • getRequestContentLength

        public long getRequestContentLength()
        The content length of the request, or -1 if it has not been set
      • getResponseHeaders

        public HeaderMap getResponseHeaders()
        Get the response headers.
        the response headers
      • getResponseContentLength

        public long getResponseContentLength()
        The content length of the response, or -1 if it has not been set
      • setResponseContentLength

        public HttpServerExchange setResponseContentLength​(long length)
        Sets the response content length
        length - The content length
      • getQueryParameters

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.Deque<java.lang.String>> getQueryParameters()
        Returns a mutable map of query parameters.
        The query parameters
      • addQueryParam

        public HttpServerExchange addQueryParam​(java.lang.String name,
                                                java.lang.String param)
      • getPathParameters

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.Deque<java.lang.String>> getPathParameters()
        Returns a mutable map of path parameters
        The path parameters
      • addPathParam

        public HttpServerExchange addPathParam​(java.lang.String name,
                                               java.lang.String param)
      • getRequestCookies

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Cookie> getRequestCookies()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        A mutable map of request cookies
      • setRequestCookie

        public HttpServerExchange setRequestCookie​(Cookie cookie)
        Sets a request cookie
        cookie - The cookie
      • getRequestCookie

        public Cookie getRequestCookie​(java.lang.String name)
      • requestCookies

        public java.lang.Iterable<Cookie> requestCookies()
        Returns unmodifiable enumeration of request cookies.
        A read-only enumeration of request cookies
      • setResponseCookie

        public HttpServerExchange setResponseCookie​(Cookie cookie)
        Sets a response cookie
        cookie - The cookie
      • getResponseCookies

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Cookie> getResponseCookies()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        use either responseCookies() or setResponseCookie(Cookie) methods instead
        A mutable map of response cookies
      • responseCookies

        public java.lang.Iterable<Cookie> responseCookies()
        Returns unmodifiable enumeration of response cookies.
        A read-only enumeration of response cookies
      • isResponseStarted

        public boolean isResponseStarted()
        true If the response has already been started
      • getRequestChannel

        public org.xnio.channels.StreamSourceChannel getRequestChannel()
        Get the inbound request. If there is no request body, calling this method may cause the next request to immediately be processed. The Channel.close() or SuspendableReadChannel.shutdownReads() method must be called at some point after the request is processed to prevent resource leakage and to allow the next request to proceed. Any unread content will be discarded.
        the channel for the inbound request, or null if another party already acquired the channel
      • isRequestChannelAvailable

        public boolean isRequestChannelAvailable()
      • isComplete

        public boolean isComplete()
        Returns true if the completion handler for this exchange has been invoked, and the request is considered finished.
      • isRequestComplete

        public boolean isRequestComplete()
        Returns true if all data has been read from the request, or if there was not data.
        true if the request is complete
      • isResponseComplete

        public boolean isResponseComplete()
        true if the responses is complete
      • getResponseChannel

        public org.xnio.channels.StreamSinkChannel getResponseChannel()
        Get the response channel. The channel must be closed and fully flushed before the next response can be started. In order to close the channel you must first call SuspendableWriteChannel.shutdownWrites(), and then call SuspendableWriteChannel.flush() until it returns true. Alternatively you can call endExchange(), which will close the channel as part of its cleanup.

        Closing a fixed-length response before the corresponding number of bytes has been written will cause the connection to be reset and subsequent requests to fail; thus it is important to ensure that the proper content length is delivered when one is specified. The response channel may not be writable until after the response headers have been sent.

        If this method is not called then an empty or default response body will be used, depending on the response code set.

        The returned channel will begin to write out headers when the first write request is initiated, or when SuspendableWriteChannel.shutdownWrites() is called on the channel with no content being written. Once the channel is acquired, however, the response code and headers may not be modified.

        the response channel, or null if another party already acquired the channel
      • getResponseSender

        public Sender getResponseSender()
        Get the response sender.

        For blocking exchanges this will return a sender that uses the underlying output stream.

        the response sender, or null if another party already acquired the channel or the sender
        See Also:
      • getRequestReceiver

        public Receiver getRequestReceiver()
      • isResponseChannelAvailable

        public boolean isResponseChannelAvailable()
        true if getResponseChannel() has not been called
      • getResponseCode

        public int getResponseCode()
        Get the status code.
        the status code
        See Also:
      • setResponseCode

        public HttpServerExchange setResponseCode​(int statusCode)
        Change the status code for this response. If not specified, the code will be a 200. Setting the status code after the response headers have been transmitted has no effect.
        statusCode - the new code
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a response or upgrade was already sent
        See Also:
      • getStatusCode

        public int getStatusCode()
        Get the status code.
        the status code
      • setStatusCode

        public HttpServerExchange setStatusCode​(int statusCode)
        Change the status code for this response. If not specified, the code will be a 200. Setting the status code after the response headers have been transmitted has no effect.
        statusCode - the new code
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a response or upgrade was already sent
      • setReasonPhrase

        public HttpServerExchange setReasonPhrase​(java.lang.String message)
        Sets the HTTP reason phrase. Depending on the protocol this may or may not be honoured. In particular HTTP2 has removed support for the reason phrase. This method should only be used to interact with legacy frameworks that give special meaning to the reason phrase.
        message - The status message
        this exchange
      • getReasonPhrase

        public java.lang.String getReasonPhrase()
        The current reason phrase
      • startBlocking

        public BlockingHttpExchange startBlocking()
        Calling this method puts the exchange in blocking mode, and creates a BlockingHttpExchange object to store the streams.

        When an exchange is in blocking mode the input stream methods become available, other than that there is presently no major difference between blocking an non-blocking modes.

        The existing blocking exchange, if any
      • startBlocking

        public BlockingHttpExchange startBlocking​(BlockingHttpExchange httpExchange)
        Calling this method puts the exchange in blocking mode, using the given blocking exchange as the source of the streams.

        When an exchange is in blocking mode the input stream methods become available, other than that there is presently no major difference between blocking an non-blocking modes.

        Note that this method may be called multiple times with different exchange objects, to allow handlers to modify the streams that are being used.

        The existing blocking exchange, if any
      • getInputStream

        public getInputStream()
        The input stream
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if startBlocking() has not been called
      • getOutputStream

        public getOutputStream()
        The output stream
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if startBlocking() has not been called
      • endExchange

        public HttpServerExchange endExchange()
        Ends the exchange by fully draining the request channel, and flushing the response channel.

        This can result in handoff to an XNIO worker, so after this method is called the exchange should not be modified by the caller.

        If the exchange is already complete this method is a noop

      • getIoThread

        public org.xnio.XnioIoThread getIoThread()
      • getMaxEntitySize

        public long getMaxEntitySize()
        The maximum entity size for this exchange
      • setMaxEntitySize

        public HttpServerExchange setMaxEntitySize​(long maxEntitySize)
        Sets the max entity size for this exchange. This cannot be modified after the request channel has been obtained.
        maxEntitySize - The max entity size
      • setSecurityContext

        public void setSecurityContext​(SecurityContext securityContext)
      • addResponseCommitListener

        public void addResponseCommitListener​(ResponseCommitListener listener)
        Adds a listener that will be invoked on response commit
        listener - The response listener
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object