Interface Try<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Value type in the case of success.
All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<T>, Serializable, Value<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
Try.Failure, Try.Success

public interface Try<T> extends Value<T>, Serializable
The Try control gives us the ability write safe code without focusing on try-catch blocks in the presence of exceptions.

The following exceptions are considered to be fatal/non-recoverable:

Important note: Try may re-throw (undeclared) exceptions, e.g. on get(). From within a dynamic proxy InvocationHandler this will lead to an UndeclaredThrowableException. For more information, please read Dynamic Proxy Classes.

Daniel Dietrich
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

      static <T> Try<T> of(CheckedFunction0<? extends T> supplier)
      Creates a Try of a CheckedFunction0.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Component type
      supplier - A checked supplier
      Success(supplier.apply()) if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable) if an exception occurs calling supplier.apply().
    • ofSupplier

      static <T> Try<T> ofSupplier(Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
      Creates a Try of a Supplier.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Component type
      supplier - A supplier
      Success(supplier.get()) if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable) if an exception occurs calling supplier.get().
    • ofCallable

      static <T> Try<T> ofCallable(Callable<? extends T> callable)
      Creates a Try of a Callable.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Component type
      callable - A callable
      Success( if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable) if an exception occurs calling
    • run

      static Try<Void> run(CheckedRunnable runnable)
      Creates a Try of a CheckedRunnable.
      runnable - A checked runnable
      Success(null) if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable) if an exception occurs calling
    • runRunnable

      static Try<Void> runRunnable(Runnable runnable)
      Creates a Try of a Runnable.
      runnable - A runnable
      Success(null) if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable) if an exception occurs calling
    • sequence

      static <T> Try<Seq<T>> sequence(Iterable<? extends Try<? extends T>> values)
      Reduces many Trys into a single Try by transforming an Iterable<Try<? extends T>> into a Try<Seq<T>>. If any of the Trys are Try.Failure, then this returns a Try.Failure.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the Trys
      values - An Iterable of Trys
      A Try of a Seq of results
      NullPointerException - if values is null
    • traverse

      static <T, U> Try<Seq<U>> traverse(Iterable<? extends T> values, Function<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
      Maps the values of an iterable to a sequence of mapped values into a single Try by transforming an Iterable<? extends T> into a Try<Seq<U>>.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the given values.
      U - The mapped value type.
      values - An Iterable of values.
      mapper - A mapper of values to Trys
      A Try of a Seq of results.
      NullPointerException - if values or f is null.
    • success

      static <T> Try<T> success(T value)
      Creates a Try.Success that contains the given value. Shortcut for new Success<>(value).
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the given value.
      value - A value.
      A new Success.
    • failure

      static <T> Try<T> failure(Throwable exception)
      Creates a Try.Failure that contains the given exception. Shortcut for new Failure<>(exception).
      Type Parameters:
      T - Component type of the Try.
      exception - An exception.
      A new Failure.
    • narrow

      static <T> Try<T> narrow(Try<? extends T> t)
      Narrows a widened Try<? extends T> to Try<T> by performing a type-safe cast. This is eligible because immutable/read-only collections are covariant.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Component type of the Try.
      t - A Try.
      the given t instance as narrowed type Try<T>.
    • andThen

      default Try<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> consumer)
      Shortcut for andThenTry(consumer::accept), see andThenTry(CheckedConsumer).
      consumer - A consumer
      this Try if this is a Failure or the consumer succeeded, otherwise the Failure of the consumption.
      NullPointerException - if consumer is null
    • andThenTry

      default Try<T> andThenTry(CheckedConsumer<? super T> consumer)
      Passes the result to the given consumer if this is a Success.

      The main use case is chaining checked functions using method references:

       Try.of(() -> 100)
          .andThen(i -> System.out.println(i));
      consumer - A checked consumer
      this Try if this is a Failure or the consumer succeeded, otherwise the Failure of the consumption.
      NullPointerException - if consumer is null
    • andThen

      default Try<T> andThen(Runnable runnable)
      Shortcut for andThenTry(runnable::run), see andThenTry(CheckedRunnable).
      runnable - A runnable
      this Try if this is a Failure or the runnable succeeded, otherwise the Failure of the run.
      NullPointerException - if runnable is null
    • andThenTry

      default Try<T> andThenTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
      Runs the given runnable if this is a Success, otherwise returns this Failure.

      The main use case is chaining runnables using method references:

      Please note that these lines are semantically the same:
     -> {
      runnable - A checked runnable
      this Try if this is a Failure or the runnable succeeded, otherwise the Failure of the run.
      NullPointerException - if runnable is null
    • collect

      default <R> Try<R> collect(PartialFunction<? super T,? extends R> partialFunction)
      Collects value that is in the domain of the given partialFunction by mapping the value to type R.
      If the element makes it through that filter, the mapped instance is wrapped in Try
       R newValue = partialFunction.apply(value)
      Type Parameters:
      R - The new value type
      partialFunction - A function that is not necessarily defined on value of this try.
      A new Try instance containing value of type R
      NullPointerException - if partialFunction is null
    • failed

      default Try<Throwable> failed()
      Returns Success(throwable) if this is a Failure(throwable), otherwise a Failure(new NoSuchElementException("Success.failed()")) if this is a Success.
      a new Try
    • filter

      default Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
      Shortcut for filterTry(predicate::test, throwableSupplier), see filterTry(CheckedPredicate, Supplier)}.
      predicate - A predicate
      throwableSupplier - A supplier of a throwable
      a Try instance
      NullPointerException - if predicate or throwableSupplier is null
    • filter

      default Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Function<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
      Shortcut for filterTry(predicate::test, errorProvider::apply), see filterTry(CheckedPredicate, CheckedFunction1)}.
      predicate - A predicate
      errorProvider - A function that provides some kind of Throwable for T
      a Try instance
      NullPointerException - if predicate or errorProvider is null
    • filter

      default Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
      Shortcut for filterTry(predicate::test), see filterTry(CheckedPredicate)}.
      predicate - A predicate
      a Try instance
      NullPointerException - if predicate is null
    • filterTry

      default Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
      Returns this if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.

      Returns a new Failure, if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate or an exception occurs testing the predicate. The returned Failure wraps a Throwable instance provided by the given throwableSupplier.

      predicate - A checked predicate
      throwableSupplier - A supplier of a throwable
      a Try instance
      NullPointerException - if predicate or throwableSupplier is null
    • filterTry

      default Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate, CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
      Returns this if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.

      Returns a new Failure, if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate or an exception occurs testing the predicate. The returned Failure wraps a Throwable instance provided by the given errorProvider.

      predicate - A checked predicate
      errorProvider - A provider of a throwable
      a Try instance
      NullPointerException - if predicate or errorProvider is null
    • filterTry

      default Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate)
      Returns this if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.

      Returns a new Failure, if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate or an exception occurs testing the predicate. The returned Failure wraps a NoSuchElementException instance.

      predicate - A checked predicate
      a Try instance
      NullPointerException - if predicate is null
    • flatMap

      default <U> Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
      Shortcut for flatMapTry(mapper::apply), see flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1).
      Type Parameters:
      U - The new component type
      mapper - A mapper
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if mapper is null
    • flatMapTry

      default <U> Try<U> flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
      FlatMaps the value of a Success or returns a Failure.
      Type Parameters:
      U - The new component type
      mapper - A mapper
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if mapper is null
    • get

      T get()
      Gets the result of this Try if this is a Success or throws if this is a Failure.

      IMPORTANT! If this is a Try.Failure, the underlying cause of type Throwable is thrown.

      The thrown exception is exactly the same as the result of getCause().

      Specified by:
      get in interface Value<T>
      The result of this Try.
    • getCause

      Throwable getCause()
      Gets the cause if this is a Failure or throws if this is a Success.
      The cause if this is a Failure
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a Success
    • isAsync

      default boolean isAsync()
      A Try's value is computed synchronously.
      Specified by:
      isAsync in interface Value<T>
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Checks whether this Try has no result, i.e. is a Failure.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Value<T>
      true if this is a Failure, returns false if this is a Success.
    • isFailure

      boolean isFailure()
      Checks if this is a Failure.
      true, if this is a Failure, otherwise false, if this is a Success
    • isLazy

      default boolean isLazy()
      A Try's value is computed eagerly.
      Specified by:
      isLazy in interface Value<T>
    • isSingleValued

      default boolean isSingleValued()
      A Try is a single-valued.
      Specified by:
      isSingleValued in interface Value<T>
    • isSuccess

      boolean isSuccess()
      Checks if this is a Success.
      true, if this is a Success, otherwise false, if this is a Failure
    • iterator

      default Iterator<T> iterator()
      Description copied from interface: Value
      Returns a rich io.vavr.collection.Iterator.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<T>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Value<T>
      A new Iterator
    • map

      default <U> Try<U> map(Function<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
      Shortcut for mapTry(mapper::apply), see mapTry(CheckedFunction1).
      Specified by:
      map in interface Value<T>
      Type Parameters:
      U - The new component type
      mapper - A checked function
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if mapper is null
    • mapFailure

      @GwtIncompatible default Try<T> mapFailure(API.Match.Case<? extends Throwable,? extends Throwable>... cases)
      Maps the cause to a new exception if this is a Failure or returns this instance if this is a Success.

      If none of the given cases matches the cause, the same Failure is returned.

      cases - A not necessarily exhaustive sequence of cases that will be matched against a cause.
      A new Try if this is a Failure, otherwise this.
    • mapTry

      default <U> Try<U> mapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
      Runs the given checked function if this is a Try.Success, passing the result of the current expression to it. If this expression is a Try.Failure then it'll return a new Try.Failure of type R with the original exception.

      The main use case is chaining checked functions using method references:

       Try.of(() -> 0)
          .map(x -> 1 / x); // division by zero
      Type Parameters:
      U - The new component type
      mapper - A checked function
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if mapper is null
    • onFailure

      default Try<T> onFailure(Consumer<? super Throwable> action)
      Consumes the cause if this is a Try.Failure.
       // (does not print anything)
       // prints "java.lang.Error"
       Try.failure(new Error()).onFailure(System.out::println);
      action - An exception consumer
      NullPointerException - if action is null
    • onFailure

      @GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> onFailure(Class<X> exceptionType, Consumer<? super X> action)
      Consumes the cause if this is a Try.Failure and the cause is instance of X.
       // (does not print anything)
       Try.success(1).onFailure(Error.class, System.out::println);
       // prints "Error"
       Try.failure(new Error())
          .onFailure(RuntimeException.class, x -> System.out.println("Runtime exception"))
          .onFailure(Error.class, x -> System.out.println("Error"));
      Type Parameters:
      X - the exception type that should be handled
      exceptionType - the exception type that is handled
      action - an excpetion consumer
      NullPointerException - if exceptionType or action is null
    • onSuccess

      default Try<T> onSuccess(Consumer<? super T> action)
      Consumes the value if this is a Try.Success.
       // prints "1"
       // (does not print anything)
       Try.failure(new Error()).onSuccess(System.out::println);
      action - A value consumer
      NullPointerException - if action is null
    • orElse

      default Try<T> orElse(Try<? extends T> other)
    • orElse

      default Try<T> orElse(Supplier<? extends Try<? extends T>> supplier)
    • getOrElseGet

      default T getOrElseGet(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> other)
    • orElseRun

      default void orElseRun(Consumer<? super Throwable> action)
    • getOrElseThrow

      default <X extends Throwable> T getOrElseThrow(Function<? super Throwable,X> exceptionProvider) throws X
    • fold

      default <X> X fold(Function<? super Throwable,? extends X> ifFail, Function<? super T,? extends X> f)
      Folds either the Failure or the Success side of the Try value.
      Type Parameters:
      X - type of the folded value
      ifFail - maps the left value if this is a Failure
      f - maps the value if this is a Success
      A value of type X
    • peek

      default Try<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action)
      Applies the action to the value of a Success or does nothing in the case of a Failure.
      Specified by:
      peek in interface Value<T>
      action - A Consumer
      this Try
      NullPointerException - if action is null
    • recover

      @GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recover(Class<X> exceptionType, Function<? super X,? extends T> f)
      Returns this, if this is a Success or this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable from cause.getClass(). Otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f, i.e. calling Try.of(() -> f.apply((X) getCause()).
       // = Success(13)
       Try.of(() -> 27/2).recover(ArithmeticException.class, x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       // = Success(2147483647)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0)
          .recover(Error.class, x -> -1)
          .recover(ArithmeticException.class, x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       // = Failure(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0).recover(Error.class, x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE);
      Type Parameters:
      X - Exception type
      exceptionType - The specific exception type that should be handled
      f - A recovery function taking an exception of type X
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if exception is null or f is null
    • recoverWith

      @GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recoverWith(Class<X> exceptionType, Function<? super X,Try<? extends T>> f)
      Returns this, if this is a Success or this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable from cause.getClass(). Otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f which returns Try. If isFailure() returned by f function is true it means that recovery cannot take place due to some circumstances.
       // = Success(13)
       Try.of(() -> 27/2).recoverWith(ArithmeticException.class, x -> Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
       // = Success(2147483647)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0)
          .recoverWith(Error.class, x -> Try.success(-1))
          .recoverWith(ArithmeticException.class, x -> Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
       // = Failure(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0).recoverWith(Error.class, x -> Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
      Type Parameters:
      X - Exception type
      exceptionType - The specific exception type that should be handled
      f - A recovery function taking an exception of type X and returning Try as a result of recovery. If Try is isSuccess() then recovery ends up successfully. Otherwise the function was not able to recover.
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if exceptionType or f is null
    • recoverWith

      @GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recoverWith(Class<X> exceptionType, Try<? extends T> recovered)
      Recovers this Try with the given recovered, if this is a Try.Failure and the given exceptionType is assignable to the underlying cause type.
       // = Success(13)
       Try.of(() -> 27/2).recoverWith(ArithmeticException.class, Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
       // = Success(2147483647)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0)
          .recoverWith(Error.class, Try.success(-1))
          .recoverWith(ArithmeticException.class, Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
       // = Failure(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0).recoverWith(Error.class, Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
      Type Parameters:
      X - type of the exception that should be recovered
      exceptionType - the exception type that is recovered
      recovered - the substitute for a matching Failure
      the given recovered if this is a Try.Failure and the cause is of type X, else this
      NullPointerException - if exceptionType or recovered is null
    • recover

      @GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recover(Class<X> exceptionType, T value)
      Returns this, if this is a Try.Success or this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable from cause.getClass(). Otherwise returns a Try.Success containing the given value.
       // = Success(13)
       Try.of(() -> 27/2).recover(ArithmeticException.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       // = Success(2147483647)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0)
          .recover(Error.class, -1);
          .recover(ArithmeticException.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       // = Failure(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0).recover(Error.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
      Type Parameters:
      X - Exception type
      exceptionType - The specific exception type that should be handled
      value - A value that is used in case of a recovery
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if exception is null
    • recover

      default Try<T> recover(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> f)
      Returns this, if this is a Success, otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f, i.e. calling Try.of(() -> f.apply(throwable)).
       // = Success(13)
       Try.of(() -> 27/2).recover(x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       // = Success(2147483647)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0).recover(x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE);
      f - A recovery function taking a Throwable
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if f is null
    • recoverWith

      default Try<T> recoverWith(Function<? super Throwable,? extends Try<? extends T>> f)
      Returns this, if this is a Success, otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f, i.e. calling f.apply(cause.getCause()). If an error occurs recovering a Failure, then the new Failure is returned.
       // = Success(13)
       Try.of(() -> 27/2).recoverWith(x -> Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
       // = Success(2147483647)
       Try.of(() -> 1/0).recoverWith(x -> Try.success(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
      f - A recovery function taking a Throwable
      a Try
      NullPointerException - if f is null
    • toEither

      default Either<Throwable,T> toEither()
      Converts this Try to an Either.
      A new Either
    • toValidation

      default Validation<Throwable,T> toValidation()
      Converts this Try to a Validation.
      A new Validation
    • toValidation

      default <U> Validation<U,T> toValidation(Function<? super Throwable,? extends U> throwableMapper)
      Converts this Try to a Validation, converting the Throwable (if present) to another object using passed Function.
       Validation<String, Integer> = Try.of(() -> 1/0).toValidation(Throwable::getMessage));
      Type Parameters:
      U - result type of the throwable mapper
      throwableMapper - A transformation from throwable to desired invalid type of new Validation
      A new Validation
      NullPointerException - if the given throwableMapper is null.
    • transform

      default <U> U transform(Function<? super Try<T>,? extends U> f)
      Transforms this Try.
      Type Parameters:
      U - Type of transformation result
      f - A transformation
      An instance of type U
      NullPointerException - if f is null
    • andFinally

      default Try<T> andFinally(Runnable runnable)
      Provides try's finally behavior no matter what the result of the operation is.
      runnable - A runnable
      this Try.
      NullPointerException - if runnable is null
    • andFinallyTry

      default Try<T> andFinallyTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
      Provides try's finally behavior no matter what the result of the operation is.
      runnable - A runnable
      this Try.
      NullPointerException - if runnable is null
    • equals

      boolean equals(Object o)
      Description copied from interface: Value
      Clarifies that values have a proper equals() method implemented.

      See Object.equals(Object).

      Specified by:
      equals in interface Value<T>
      equals in class Object
      o - An object
      true, if this equals o, false otherwise
    • hashCode

      int hashCode()
      Description copied from interface: Value
      Clarifies that values have a proper hashCode() method implemented.

      See Object.hashCode().

      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface Value<T>
      hashCode in class Object
      The hashcode of this object
    • toString

      String toString()
      Description copied from interface: Value
      Clarifies that values have a proper toString() method implemented.

      See Object.toString().

      Specified by:
      toString in interface Value<T>
      toString in class Object
      A String representation of this object
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources1<T1> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on one AutoCloseable resource.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the first resource.
      a new Try.WithResources1 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources2<T1,T2> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on two AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      a new Try.WithResources2 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable, T3 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources3<T1,T2,T3> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on three AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      T3 - Type of the 3rd resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      t3Supplier - The supplier of the 3rd resource.
      a new Try.WithResources3 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable, T3 extends AutoCloseable, T4 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources4<T1,T2,T3,T4> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on four AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      T3 - Type of the 3rd resource.
      T4 - Type of the 4th resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      t3Supplier - The supplier of the 3rd resource.
      t4Supplier - The supplier of the 4th resource.
      a new Try.WithResources4 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable, T3 extends AutoCloseable, T4 extends AutoCloseable, T5 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on five AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      T3 - Type of the 3rd resource.
      T4 - Type of the 4th resource.
      T5 - Type of the 5th resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      t3Supplier - The supplier of the 3rd resource.
      t4Supplier - The supplier of the 4th resource.
      t5Supplier - The supplier of the 5th resource.
      a new Try.WithResources5 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable, T3 extends AutoCloseable, T4 extends AutoCloseable, T5 extends AutoCloseable, T6 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on six AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      T3 - Type of the 3rd resource.
      T4 - Type of the 4th resource.
      T5 - Type of the 5th resource.
      T6 - Type of the 6th resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      t3Supplier - The supplier of the 3rd resource.
      t4Supplier - The supplier of the 4th resource.
      t5Supplier - The supplier of the 5th resource.
      t6Supplier - The supplier of the 6th resource.
      a new Try.WithResources6 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable, T3 extends AutoCloseable, T4 extends AutoCloseable, T5 extends AutoCloseable, T6 extends AutoCloseable, T7 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T7> t7Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on seven AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      T3 - Type of the 3rd resource.
      T4 - Type of the 4th resource.
      T5 - Type of the 5th resource.
      T6 - Type of the 6th resource.
      T7 - Type of the 7th resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      t3Supplier - The supplier of the 3rd resource.
      t4Supplier - The supplier of the 4th resource.
      t5Supplier - The supplier of the 5th resource.
      t6Supplier - The supplier of the 6th resource.
      t7Supplier - The supplier of the 7th resource.
      a new Try.WithResources7 instance.
    • withResources

      static <T1 extends AutoCloseable, T2 extends AutoCloseable, T3 extends AutoCloseable, T4 extends AutoCloseable, T5 extends AutoCloseable, T6 extends AutoCloseable, T7 extends AutoCloseable, T8 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T7> t7Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T8> t8Supplier)
      Creates a Try-with-resources builder that operates on eight AutoCloseable resources.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - Type of the 1st resource.
      T2 - Type of the 2nd resource.
      T3 - Type of the 3rd resource.
      T4 - Type of the 4th resource.
      T5 - Type of the 5th resource.
      T6 - Type of the 6th resource.
      T7 - Type of the 7th resource.
      T8 - Type of the 8th resource.
      t1Supplier - The supplier of the 1st resource.
      t2Supplier - The supplier of the 2nd resource.
      t3Supplier - The supplier of the 3rd resource.
      t4Supplier - The supplier of the 4th resource.
      t5Supplier - The supplier of the 5th resource.
      t6Supplier - The supplier of the 6th resource.
      t7Supplier - The supplier of the 7th resource.
      t8Supplier - The supplier of the 8th resource.
      a new Try.WithResources8 instance.