Class Schema

  • public class Schema
    extends Object
    Interface representing a Json Schema

    A schema could have two states:

    • Synchronous: The validators tree can provide a synchronous validation, so you can validate your json both using and
    • Asynchronous: One or more branches of the validator tree requires an asynchronous validation, so you must use to validate your json. If you use it will throw a NoSyncValidationException

    To check the schema state you can use method . Note that invoking validateAsync(java.lang.Object) generally doesn't have any additional overhead than invoking validateSync(java.lang.Object).
    The schema can mutate the state in time, e.g. if you have a schema that is asynchronous because of a $ref, after the first validation the external schema is cached inside SchemaRouter and this schema will switch to synchronous state

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Schema

        public Schema​(Schema delegate)
      • Schema

        public Schema​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public Schema getDelegate()
      • validateAsync

        public Future<Void> validateAsync​(Object json)
        Validate the json performing an asynchronous validation.

        Note: If the schema is synchronous, this method will call internally

        json - input to validate
        a failed future with ValidationException if json doesn't match the schema, otherwise a succeeded future.
      • validateSync

        public void validateSync​(Object json)
        Validate the json performing a synchronous validation. Throws a ValidationException if json doesn't match the schema.
        json - input to validate
      • getJson

        public Object getJson()
        Json representation of the schema
      • isSync

        public boolean isSync()
        true if this validator can provide a synchronous validation.
      • newInstance

        public static Schema newInstance​(Schema arg)