Class ConfigRetriever

  • public class ConfigRetriever
    extends Object
    Defines a configuration retriever that read configuration from and tracks changes periodically.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigRetriever

        public ConfigRetriever​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • create

        public static ConfigRetriever create​(Vertx vertx,
                                             ConfigRetrieverOptions options)
        Creates an instance of the default implementation of the ConfigRetriever.
        vertx - the vert.x instance
        options - the options, must not be null, must contain the list of configured store.
        the created instance.
      • create

        public static ConfigRetriever create​(Vertx vertx)
        Creates an instance of the default implementation of the ConfigRetriever, using the default settings (json file, system properties and environment variables).
        vertx - the vert.x instance
        the created instance.
      • getConfig

        public void getConfig​(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> completionHandler)
        Reads the configuration from the different and computes the final configuration.
        completionHandler - handler receiving the computed configuration, or a failure if the configuration cannot be retrieved
      • getConfig

        public void getConfig()
        Reads the configuration from the different and computes the final configuration.
      • rxGetConfig

        public rx.Single<JsonObject> rxGetConfig()
        Reads the configuration from the different and computes the final configuration.
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes the retriever.
      • getCachedConfig

        public JsonObject getCachedConfig()
        Gets the last computed configuration.
        the last configuration
      • listen

        public void listen​(Handler<ConfigChange> listener)
        Registers a listener receiving configuration changes. This method cannot only be called if the configuration is broadcasted.
        listener - the listener
      • setBeforeScanHandler

        public ConfigRetriever setBeforeScanHandler​(Handler<Void> handler)
        Registers a handler called before every scan. This method is mostly used for logging purpose.
        handler - the handler, must not be null
        the current config retriever
      • configStream

        public ReadStream<JsonObject> configStream()
        the stream of configurations. It's single stream (unicast) and that delivers the last known config and the successors periodically.