Class ParameterValidationRule

  • public class ParameterValidationRule
    extends Object
    This function is an inner wrapper for ParameterTypeValidator inside ValidationHandler parameter maps. Don't instantiate this class, if you want to add custom ParameterTypeValidator to a parameter use functions in HTTPRequestValidationHandler

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterValidationRule

        public ParameterValidationRule​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getName

        public String getName()
        This function return the name of the parameter expected into parameter lists
        name of the parameter
      • validateSingleParam

        public RequestParameter validateSingleParam​(String value)
        This function will be called when there is only a string as parameter. It will throw a ValidationError in an error during validation occurs
        value - list of values that will be validated
      • validateArrayParam

        public RequestParameter validateArrayParam​(List<String> value)
        This function will be called when there is a List that need to be validated. It must check if array is expected or not. It will throw a ValidationError in an error during validation occurs
        value - list of values that will be validated
      • isOptional

        public boolean isOptional()
        Return true if parameter is optional
        true if is optional, false otherwise
      • parameterTypeValidator

        public ParameterTypeValidator parameterTypeValidator()
        Return ParameterTypeValidator instance used inside this parameter validation rule
      • allowEmptyValue

        public boolean allowEmptyValue()
        allowEmptyValue is used in query, header, cookie and form parameters. This is its behaviour:
        1. During validation, the ValidationHandler check if there's a parameter with combination of location and name as defined in this rule
        2. If it not exists, It will check allowEmptyValue and if there's a default value set inside ParameterTypeValidator:
          • If this condition it's true, It marks as validated the parameter and returns the default value (inside RequestParameter)
          • If this condition it's false, It throws ValidationException
        3. If the parameter exists, It checks if parameter is null or empty string:
          • If allowEmptyValue it's true, It marks as validated the parameter and returns the default value if it exists (inside RequestParameter)
          • If allowEmptyValue it's false, It throws ValidationException
        value of allowEmptyValue