Class BridgeEvent

  • public class BridgeEvent
    extends BaseBridgeEvent
    Represents an event that occurs on the event bus bridge.

    Please consult the documentation for a full explanation.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • BridgeEvent

        public BridgeEvent​(BridgeEvent delegate)
      • BridgeEvent

        public BridgeEvent​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • complete

        public void complete​(Boolean result)
        Set the result. Any handler will be called, if there is one, and the promise will be marked as completed.

        Any handler set on the associated promise will be called.

        complete in class BaseBridgeEvent
        result - the result
      • future

        public Future<Boolean> future()
        future in class BaseBridgeEvent
        the associated with this promise, it can be used to be aware of the promise completion
      • setRawMessage

        public BridgeEvent setRawMessage​(JsonObject message)
        Get the raw JSON message for the event. This will be null for SOCKET_CREATED or SOCKET_CLOSED events as there is no message involved.
        setRawMessage in class BaseBridgeEvent
        message - the raw message
        this reference, so it can be used fluently
      • socket

        public NetSocket socket()
        Get the SockJSSocket instance corresponding to the event
        the SockJSSocket instance