Class AmqpConnection

  • public class AmqpConnection
    extends Object
    Once connected to the broker or router, you get a connection. This connection is automatically opened.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AmqpConnection

        public AmqpConnection​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • exceptionHandler

        public AmqpConnection exceptionHandler​(Handler<Throwable> handler)
        Registers a handler called on disconnection.
        handler - the exception handler.
        the connection
      • close

        public AmqpConnection close​(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> done)
        Closes the AMQP connection, i.e. allows the Close frame to be emitted.
        done - the close handler notified when the connection is closed. May be null.
        the connection
      • close

        public AmqpConnection close()
        Closes the AMQP connection, i.e. allows the Close frame to be emitted.
        the connection
      • rxClose

        public io.reactivex.Completable rxClose()
        Closes the AMQP connection, i.e. allows the Close frame to be emitted.
        the connection
      • createReceiver

        public AmqpConnection createReceiver​(String address,
                                             Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler)
        Creates a receiver used to consume messages from the given address. The receiver has no handler and won't start receiving messages until a handler is explicitly configured.
        address - The source address to attach the consumer to, must not be null
        completionHandler - the handler called with the receiver. The receiver has been opened.
        the connection.
      • createReceiver

        public AmqpConnection createReceiver​(String address)
        Creates a receiver used to consume messages from the given address. The receiver has no handler and won't start receiving messages until a handler is explicitly configured.
        address - The source address to attach the consumer to, must not be null
        the connection.
      • rxCreateReceiver

        public io.reactivex.Single<AmqpReceiver> rxCreateReceiver​(String address)
        Creates a receiver used to consume messages from the given address. The receiver has no handler and won't start receiving messages until a handler is explicitly configured.
        address - The source address to attach the consumer to, must not be null
        the connection.
      • createReceiver

        public AmqpConnection createReceiver​(String address,
                                             AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions,
                                             Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler)
        Creates a receiver used to consumer messages from the given address.
        address - The source address to attach the consumer to.
        receiverOptions - The options for this receiver.
        completionHandler - The handler called with the receiver, once opened. Note that the messageHandler can be called before the completionHandler if messages are awaiting delivery.
        the connection.
      • createReceiver

        public AmqpConnection createReceiver​(String address,
                                             AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions)
        Creates a receiver used to consumer messages from the given address.
        address - The source address to attach the consumer to.
        receiverOptions - The options for this receiver.
        the connection.
      • rxCreateReceiver

        public io.reactivex.Single<AmqpReceiver> rxCreateReceiver​(String address,
                                                                  AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions)
        Creates a receiver used to consumer messages from the given address.
        address - The source address to attach the consumer to.
        receiverOptions - The options for this receiver.
        the connection.
      • createDynamicReceiver

        public AmqpConnection createDynamicReceiver​(Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler)
        Creates a dynamic receiver. The address is provided by the broker and is available in the completionHandler, using the AmqpReceiver.address() method. this method is useful for request-reply to generate a unique reply address.
        completionHandler - the completion handler, called when the receiver has been created and opened.
        the connection.
      • createDynamicReceiver

        public AmqpConnection createDynamicReceiver()
        Creates a dynamic receiver. The address is provided by the broker and is available in the completionHandler, using the AmqpReceiver.address() method. this method is useful for request-reply to generate a unique reply address.
        the connection.
      • rxCreateDynamicReceiver

        public io.reactivex.Single<AmqpReceiver> rxCreateDynamicReceiver()
        Creates a dynamic receiver. The address is provided by the broker and is available in the completionHandler, using the AmqpReceiver.address() method. this method is useful for request-reply to generate a unique reply address.
        the connection.
      • createAnonymousSender

        public AmqpConnection createAnonymousSender​(Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpSender>> completionHandler)
        Creates an anonymous sender.

        Unlike "regular" sender, this sender is not associated to a specific address, and each message sent must provide an address. This method can be used in request-reply scenarios where you create a sender to send the reply, but you don't know the address, as the reply address is passed into the message you are going to receive.

        completionHandler - The handler called with the created sender, once opened
        the connection.
      • createAnonymousSender

        public AmqpConnection createAnonymousSender()
        Creates an anonymous sender.

        Unlike "regular" sender, this sender is not associated to a specific address, and each message sent must provide an address. This method can be used in request-reply scenarios where you create a sender to send the reply, but you don't know the address, as the reply address is passed into the message you are going to receive.

        the connection.
      • rxCreateAnonymousSender

        public io.reactivex.Single<AmqpSender> rxCreateAnonymousSender()
        Creates an anonymous sender.

        Unlike "regular" sender, this sender is not associated to a specific address, and each message sent must provide an address. This method can be used in request-reply scenarios where you create a sender to send the reply, but you don't know the address, as the reply address is passed into the message you are going to receive.

        the connection.
      • isDisconnected

        public boolean isDisconnected()
        whether the connection has been disconnected.
      • closeFuture

        public Future<Void> closeFuture()
        a future completed when the connection is closed
      • unwrap

        public io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection unwrap()
        the underlying ProtonConnection.