Class JDBCDataSource

  • public class JDBCDataSource
    extends Object

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JDBCDataSource

        public JDBCDataSource​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         JsonObject filter,
                                         Handler<AsyncResult<JDBCClient>> resultHandler)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, optional
        resultHandler - The result handler
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         JsonObject filter)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, optional
      • rxGetJDBCClient

        public static io.reactivex.Single<JDBCClient> rxGetJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                                                      JsonObject filter)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, optional
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         Function<Record,​Boolean> filter,
                                         Handler<AsyncResult<JDBCClient>> resultHandler)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter (must not be null)
        resultHandler - The result handler
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         Function<Record,​Boolean> filter)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter (must not be null)
      • rxGetJDBCClient

        public static io.reactivex.Single<JDBCClient> rxGetJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                                                      Function<Record,​Boolean> filter)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter (must not be null)
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         JsonObject filter,
                                         JsonObject consumerConfiguration,
                                         Handler<AsyncResult<JDBCClient>> resultHandler)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, optional
        consumerConfiguration - the consumer configuration
        resultHandler - the result handler
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         JsonObject filter,
                                         JsonObject consumerConfiguration)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, optional
        consumerConfiguration - the consumer configuration
      • rxGetJDBCClient

        public static io.reactivex.Single<JDBCClient> rxGetJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                                                      JsonObject filter,
                                                                      JsonObject consumerConfiguration)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, optional
        consumerConfiguration - the consumer configuration
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         Function<Record,​Boolean> filter,
                                         JsonObject consumerConfiguration,
                                         Handler<AsyncResult<JDBCClient>> resultHandler)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, must not be null
        consumerConfiguration - the consumer configuration
        resultHandler - the result handler
      • getJDBCClient

        public static void getJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                         Function<Record,​Boolean> filter,
                                         JsonObject consumerConfiguration)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, must not be null
        consumerConfiguration - the consumer configuration
      • rxGetJDBCClient

        public static io.reactivex.Single<JDBCClient> rxGetJDBCClient​(ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                                                                      Function<Record,​Boolean> filter,
                                                                      JsonObject consumerConfiguration)
        Convenient method that looks for a JDBC datasource source and provides the configured JDBCClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
        discovery - The service discovery instance
        filter - The filter, must not be null
        consumerConfiguration - the consumer configuration