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brave.grpc - package brave.grpc
build() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing.Builder


clientParser(GrpcClientParser) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing.Builder
create(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing


GrpcClientParser - Class in brave.grpc
GrpcClientParser() - Constructor for class brave.grpc.GrpcClientParser
GrpcParser - Class in brave.grpc
GrpcParser() - Constructor for class brave.grpc.GrpcParser
GrpcServerParser - Class in brave.grpc
GrpcServerParser() - Constructor for class brave.grpc.GrpcServerParser
GrpcTracing - Class in brave.grpc
GrpcTracing.Builder - Class in brave.grpc


newBuilder(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
newClientInterceptor() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
This interceptor traces outbound calls
newServerInterceptor() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
This interceptor traces inbound calls


onClose(Status, Metadata, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcParser
Override to change what data from the status or trailers are parsed into the span modeling it.
onError(Throwable, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcParser
This is used when there is an unexpected error present in the operation.
onMessageReceived(M, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcParser
Override to customize the span based on the message received from the peer.
onMessageSent(M, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcParser
Override to customize the span based on a message sent to the peer.
onStart(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT>, CallOptions, Metadata, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcClientParser
Override the customize the span based on the start of a request.
onStart(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, Metadata, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcServerParser
Override the customize the span based on the start of a request.


serverParser(GrpcServerParser) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing.Builder
spanName(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT>) - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcParser
Returns the span name of the request.


toBuilder() - Method in class brave.grpc.GrpcTracing
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