Class KafkaTracing.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class KafkaTracing.Builder
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • remoteServiceName

        public KafkaTracing.Builder remoteServiceName​(String remoteServiceName)
        The remote service name that describes the broker in the dependency graph. Defaults to "kafka"
      • singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch

        public KafkaTracing.Builder singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch​(boolean singleRootSpanOnReceiveBatch)
        Controls the sharing of a poll span for incoming spans with no trace context.

        If true, all the spans received in a poll batch that do not have trace-context will be added to a single new poll root span. Otherwise, a poll span will be created for each such message.
