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ALWAYS_SAMPLE - Static variable in class brave.sampler.Sampler
annotate(TraceContext, long, String) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
annotate(String) - Method in class brave.Span
Associates an event that explains latency with the current system time.
annotate(long, String) - Method in class brave.Span
Like Span.annotate(String), except with a given timestamp in microseconds.


B3 - Static variable in interface brave.propagation.Propagation.Factory
B3_STRING - Static variable in interface brave.propagation.Propagation
B3Propagation<K> - Class in brave.propagation
Implements B3 Propagation
BoundarySampler - Class in brave.sampler
This sampler is appropriate for high-traffic instrumentation (ex edge web servers that each receive >100K requests) who provision random trace ids, and make the sampling decision only once.
brave - package brave
brave.internal - package brave.internal
brave.internal.recorder - package brave.internal.recorder
brave.propagation - package brave.propagation
brave.sampler - package brave.sampler
build() - Method in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags.Builder
build() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
build() - Method in class brave.Tracer.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class brave.Tracer.Builder


Clock - Interface in brave
Epoch microseconds used for Span.timestamp and Annotation.timestamp.
clock(Clock) - Method in class brave.Tracer.Builder
clock() - Method in class brave.Tracer
Used internally by operations such as Span.finish(), exposed for convenience.
close() - Method in class brave.Span
Convenience for use in try-with-resources, which calls Span.finish()
context() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContextOrSamplingFlags
When present, create the span via Tracer.joinSpan(TraceContext)
context() - Method in class brave.Span
CountingSampler - Class in brave.sampler
This sampler is appropriate for low-traffic instrumentation (ex servers that each receive <100K requests), or those who do not provision random trace ids.
create(Propagation.KeyFactory<K>) - Static method in class brave.propagation.B3Propagation
create(Propagation.KeyFactory<K>) - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation.Factory
create(String) - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation.KeyFactory
create(TraceContext.Builder) - Static method in class brave.propagation.TraceContextOrSamplingFlags
create(float) - Static method in class brave.sampler.BoundarySampler
create(float) - Static method in class brave.sampler.CountingSampler
create(float) - Static method in class brave.sampler.Sampler
Returns a sampler, given a rate expressed as a percentage.
currentTimeMicroseconds() - Method in interface brave.Clock
currentTimeMicroseconds() - Method in class brave.internal.Platform
gets a timestamp based on duration since the create tick.


debug(boolean) - Method in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags.Builder
DEBUG - Static variable in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags
debug() - Method in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags
True is a request to store this span even if it overrides sampling policy.
debug(boolean) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder


EMPTY - Static variable in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags
extract(C) - Method in interface brave.propagation.TraceContext.Extractor
Returns either a trace context or sampling flags parsed from the carrier.
extractor(Propagation.Getter<C, K>) - Method in class brave.propagation.B3Propagation
extractor(Propagation.Getter<C, K>) - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation


finish(TraceContext, long) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
finish() - Method in class brave.Span
Reports the span complete, assigning the most precise duration possible.
finish(long) - Method in class brave.Span
Like Span.finish(), except with a given timestamp in microseconds.
flush(TraceContext) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
flush() - Method in class brave.Span
Reports the span, even if unfinished.


get() - Static method in class brave.internal.Platform
get(C, K) - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation.Getter


HexCodec - Class in brave.internal


inject(TraceContext, C) - Method in interface brave.propagation.TraceContext.Injector
Usually calls a setter for each propagation field to send downstream.
injector(Propagation.Setter<C, K>) - Method in class brave.propagation.B3Propagation
injector(Propagation.Setter<C, K>) - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation
instance - Static variable in class brave.internal.Internal
Internal - Class in brave.internal
Allows internal classes outside the package brave to use non-public methods.
Internal() - Constructor for class brave.internal.Internal
isNoop() - Method in class brave.Span
When true, no recording is done and nothing is reported to zipkin.
isSampled(long) - Method in class brave.sampler.BoundarySampler
Returns true when abs(traceId) <= boundary
isSampled(long) - Method in class brave.sampler.CountingSampler
loops over the pre-canned decisions, resetting to zero when it gets to the end.
isSampled(long) - Method in class brave.sampler.Sampler
Returns true if the trace ID should be measured.


joinSpan(TraceContext) - Method in class brave.Tracer
Joining is re-using the same trace and span ids extracted from an incoming request.


keys() - Method in class brave.propagation.B3Propagation
keys() - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation
The propagation fields defined
kind(TraceContext, Span.Kind) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
kind(Span.Kind) - Method in class brave.Span
The kind of span is optional.


localEndpoint() - Method in class brave.internal.Platform
localEndpoint(Endpoint) - Method in class brave.Tracer.Builder
lowerHexToUnsignedLong(String) - Static method in class brave.internal.HexCodec
Parses a 1 to 32 character lower-hex string with no prefix into an unsigned long, tossing any bits higher than 64.
lowerHexToUnsignedLong(String, int) - Static method in class brave.internal.HexCodec
Parses a 16 character lower-hex string with no prefix into an unsigned long, starting at the spe index.


name(TraceContext, String) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
name(String) - Method in class brave.Span
Sets the string name for the logical operation this span represents.
NEVER_SAMPLE - Static variable in class brave.sampler.Sampler
newBuilder() - Static method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
newBuilder() - Static method in class brave.Tracer
newChild(TraceContext) - Method in class brave.Tracer
Creates a new span within an existing trace.
newTrace() - Method in class brave.Tracer
Creates a new trace.
newTrace(SamplingFlags) - Method in class brave.Tracer
Like Tracer.newTrace(), but supports parameterized sampling, for example limiting on operation or url pattern.
NOT_SAMPLED - Static variable in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags
Nullable - Annotation Type in brave.internal
AutoValue will process any annotation named Nullable.


parentId(Long) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
parentId() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
The parent's TraceContext.spanId() or null if this the root span in a trace.
Platform - Class in brave.internal
Access to platform-specific features and implements a default logging reporter.
Propagation<K> - Interface in brave.propagation
Injects and extracts trace identifiers as text into carriers that travel in-band across process boundaries.
Propagation.Factory - Interface in brave.propagation
Propagation.Getter<C,K> - Interface in brave.propagation
Gets the first value of the given propagation key or returns null
Propagation.KeyFactory<K> - Interface in brave.propagation
Creates keys for use in propagated contexts
Propagation.Setter<C,K> - Interface in brave.propagation
Replaces a propagated key with the given value
put(C, K, String) - Method in interface brave.propagation.Propagation.Setter


randomLong() - Method in class brave.internal.Platform
This class uses pseudo-random number generators to provision IDs.
Recorder - Class in brave.internal.recorder
Dispatches mutations on a span to a shared object per trace/span id.
Recorder(Endpoint, Clock, Reporter<Span>) - Constructor for class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
remoteEndpoint(TraceContext, Endpoint) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
remoteEndpoint(Endpoint) - Method in class brave.Span
For a client span, this would be the server's address.
report(Span) - Method in class brave.internal.Platform
reporter(Reporter<Span>) - Method in class brave.Tracer.Builder
Controls how spans are reported.


sampled(Boolean) - Method in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags.Builder
SAMPLED - Static variable in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags
sampled() - Method in class brave.propagation.SamplingFlags
Should we sample this request or not? True means sample, false means don't, null means we defer decision to someone further down in the stack.
sampled(Boolean) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
sampled() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
Sampler - Class in brave.sampler
Sampler is responsible for deciding if a particular trace should be "sampled", i.e.
Sampler() - Constructor for class brave.sampler.Sampler
sampler(Sampler) - Method in class brave.Tracer.Builder
Sampler is responsible for deciding if a particular trace should be "sampled", i.e.
SamplingFlags - Class in brave.propagation
samplingFlags() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContextOrSamplingFlags
When present, create the span via Tracer.newTrace(SamplingFlags)
SamplingFlags.Builder - Class in brave.propagation
shared(boolean) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
shared() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
True if we are contributing to a span started by another tracer (ex on a different host).
Span - Class in brave
Used to model the latency of an operation.
Span() - Constructor for class brave.Span
Span.Kind - Enum in brave
spanId(long) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
spanId() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
Unique 8-byte identifier of this span within a trace.
start(TraceContext, long) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
start() - Method in class brave.Span
Starts the span with an implicit timestamp.
start(long) - Method in class brave.Span
Like Span.start(), except with a given timestamp in microseconds.
STRING - Static variable in interface brave.propagation.Propagation.KeyFactory


tag(TraceContext, String, String) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
tag(String, String) - Method in class brave.Span
Tags give your span context for search, viewing and analysis.
timestamp(Tracer, TraceContext) - Method in class brave.internal.Internal
timestamp(TraceContext) - Method in class brave.internal.recorder.Recorder
Hook needed for Brave 3's LocalTracer.finish(duration)
toBuilder() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
toLowerHex(long, long) - Static method in class brave.internal.HexCodec
Returns 16 or 32 character hex string depending on if high is zero.
toLowerHex(long) - Static method in class brave.internal.HexCodec
Inspired by okio.Buffer.writeLong
toSpan(TraceContext) - Method in class brave.Tracer
Converts the context as-is to a Span object
toString() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
Returns $traceId/$spanId
toString() - Method in class brave.sampler.BoundarySampler
toString() - Method in class brave.sampler.CountingSampler
TraceContext - Class in brave.propagation
Contains trace identifiers and sampling data propagated in and out-of-process.
TraceContext.Builder - Class in brave.propagation
TraceContext.Extractor<C> - Interface in brave.propagation
Used to join an incoming trace.
TraceContext.Injector<C> - Interface in brave.propagation
Used to send the trace context downstream.
TraceContextOrSamplingFlags - Class in brave.propagation
Union type that contains either a trace context or sampling flags, but not both.
traceId(long) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
traceId() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
Unique 8-byte identifier for a trace, set on all spans within it.
traceId128Bit(boolean) - Method in class brave.Tracer.Builder
When true, new root spans will have 128-bit trace IDs.
traceIdHigh(long) - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext.Builder
traceIdHigh() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
When non-zero, the trace containing this span uses 128-bit trace identifiers.
traceIdString() - Method in class brave.propagation.TraceContext
Returns the hex representation of the span's trace ID
Tracer - Class in brave
Using a tracer, you can create a root span capturing the critical path of a request.
Tracer.Builder - Class in brave


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum brave.Span.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum brave.Span.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


writeHexLong(char[], int, long) - Static method in class brave.internal.HexCodec
Inspired by okio.Buffer.writeLong
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