Package zipkin2.codec

Interface BytesDecoder<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - type of the object to deserialize
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DependencyLinkBytesDecoder, SpanBytesDecoder

    public interface BytesDecoder<T>
    This type accepts a collection that receives decoded elements.
     ArrayList<Span> out = new ArrayList<>();
     SpanBytesDecoder.JSON_V2.decodeList(spans, out)
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        boolean decode​(byte[] serialized,
                       Collection<T> out)
        This is used seldom as the canonical message form is a list.

        Note: multiple elements can be consumed from a single serialized object. For example, if the input is Zipkin v1, the list might receive two elements if the serialized object was a shared span.

        serialized - a single message, for example a json object
        true if an element was decoded
      • decodeOne

        T decodeOne​(byte[] serialized)
        Visible for testing. This returns the first element parsed from the serialized object or null