Class InMemoryStorage

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, AutocompleteTags, ServiceAndSpanNames, SpanConsumer, SpanStore, Traces

public final class InMemoryStorage extends StorageComponent implements SpanStore, SpanConsumer, AutocompleteTags, ServiceAndSpanNames, Traces
Test storage component that keeps all spans in memory, accepting them on the calling thread.

Internally, spans are indexed on 64-bit trace ID

Here's an example of some traces in memory:

    <aaaa,July 4> --> ( spanA(time:July 4, traceId:aaaa, service:foo, name:GET),
                        spanB(time:July 4, traceId:aaaa, service:bar, name:GET) )
    <cccc,July 4> --> ( spanC(time:July 4, traceId:aaaa, service:foo, name:GET) )
    <bbbb,July 5> --> ( spanD(time:July 5, traceId:bbbb, service:biz, name:GET) )
    <bbbb,July 6> --> ( spanE(time:July 6, traceId:bbbb) service:foo, name:POST )

    aaaa --> [ <aaaa,July 4> ]
    bbbb --> [ <bbbb,July 5>, <bbbb,July 6> ]
    cccc --> [ <cccc,July 4> ]

    foo --> [ <aaaa>, <cccc>, <bbbb> ]
    bar --> [ <aaaa> ]
    biz --> [ <bbbb> ]

    bar --> ( GET )
    biz --> ( GET )
    foo --> ( GET, POST )