All Classes and Interfaces

Associates an event that explains latency with a timestamp.
Provides autocomplete functionality by providing values for a given tag key, usually derived from SpanConsumer.
This type accepts a collection that receives decoded elements.
Utility for encoding one or more elements of a type into a byte array.
This captures a (usually remote) request and can be used once, either synchronously or asynchronously.
A callback of a single result or error.
Answers the question: Are operations on this component likely to succeed?
Components are object graphs used to compose a zipkin service or client.
A dependency link is an edge between two services.
The network context of a node in the service graph.
We provide a forwarding variant of the storage component for use cases such as trace decoration, or throttling.
A mapper that groups unorganized input spans by trace ID.
Test storage component that keeps all spans in memory, accepting them on the calling thread.
Invoking this request retrieves traces matching the below filters.
Provides autocomplete functionality by providing values for service and span names, usually derived from SpanConsumer.
A span is a single-host view of an operation.
Indicates the primary span type.
This is separate from SpanBytesEncoder, as it isn't needed for instrumentation
Detecting decoder used in transports which don't include means to identify the type of the data.
Limited interface needed by those writing span reporters
Queries data derived from SpanConsumer.
A component that provides storage interfaces used for spans and aggregations.
Storage implementation often need to re-check query results when strict trace ID is disabled.
Allows readback of traces by ID, as written by a SpanConsumer.
new code should use Annotation.
new code should use Span.tags().
new code should use Span.
Allows you to split a v1 span when necessary.
Allows you convert a v2 span into a v1 span.