Package zipkin2.codec

Enum SpanBytesDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<SpanBytesDecoder>, BytesDecoder<Span>

public enum SpanBytesDecoder extends Enum<SpanBytesDecoder> implements BytesDecoder<Span>
This is separate from SpanBytesEncoder, as it isn't needed for instrumentation
  • Enum Constant Details

    • JSON_V1

      public static final SpanBytesDecoder JSON_V1
      Corresponds to the Zipkin v1 json format
    • THRIFT

      public static final SpanBytesDecoder THRIFT
      Corresponds to the Zipkin v1 thrift format
    • JSON_V2

      public static final SpanBytesDecoder JSON_V2
      Corresponds to the Zipkin v2 json format
    • PROTO3

      public static final SpanBytesDecoder PROTO3
  • Method Details