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EnvironmentAndExports - class in it.unibo.alchemist.loader
Pair-like implementation of InitializedEnvironment.
evaluate(DoubleArray,Integer,Integer) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.statistic.CountDistinct
evaluate() - function in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.CountDistinct
evaluate(DoubleArray) - function in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.CountDistinct
ExecutionTime - class in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors
An extractor which provides informations about the running time of the simulation.
ExecutionTime.Companion - class in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors.ExecutionTime
exportData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.exporters.AbstractExporter
Delegates the concrete implementation of this method to his subclasses.
exportData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.exporters.CSVExporter
Delegates the concrete implementation of this method to his subclasses.
exportData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.exporters.MongoDBExporter
Delegates the concrete implementation of this method to his subclasses.
Exporter - class in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export
A generic exporter for the simulation.
extractData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.Extractor
Extracts properties from an environment.
extractData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors.ExecutionTime
Extracts properties from an environment.
extractData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors.MeanSquaredError
Extracts properties from an environment.
extractData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors.MoleculeReader
Extracts properties from an environment.
extractData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors.NumberOfNodes
Extracts properties from an environment.
extractData(Environment,Reaction,Time,Long) - function in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export.extractors.Time
Extracts properties from an environment.
Extractor - class in it.unibo.alchemist.loader.export
An object that is able to extract numeric informations from an Alchemist {@link Environment}, given the current {@link it.unibo.alchemist.core.interfaces.Simulation} {@link Time}, the last {@link Reaction} executed and the current simulation step.
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