AbstractPlatformLibraryManager |
AbstractSubGoalTree |
AndroidPlatformLibraryManager |
BuiltIn |
Library of built-in predicates
ChoicePointContext |
ChoicePointStore |
ClauseDatabase |
Customized HashMap for storing clauses in the TheoryManager
ClauseInfo |
This class mantains information about a clause creation
(clause copy, final time T after renaming, validity stillValid Flag).
ClauseStore |
A list of clauses belonging to the same family as a goal.
DefaultSubGoalId |
Identifier of single subGoal during the demo.
Double |
Double class represents the double prolog data type
Engine |
EngineManager |
EngineRunner |
ExecutionContext |
Float |
Float class represents the float prolog data type
Int |
Int class represents the integer prolog data type
JavaPlatformLibraryManager |
Library |
This abstract class is the base class for developing
tuProlog built-in libraries, which can be dynamically
loaded by prolog objects.
Long |
Long class represents the long prolog data type
Number |
Number abstract class represents numbers prolog data type
Operator |
This class defines a tuProlog operator, in terms of a name,
a type, and a priority.
OperatorManager |
This class manages Prolog operators.
PrimitiveInfo |
Primitive class
referring to a builtin predicate or functor
PrimitiveManager |
Administration of primitive predicates
Prolog |
The Prolog class represents a tuProlog engine.
PrologError |
RBTree<K extends java.lang.Comparable<? super K>,V> |
Implements a Red Black Tree
SolveInfo |
SolveInfo class represents the result of a solve
request made to the engine, providing information
about the solution
StateBacktrack |
StateEnd |
StateException |
StateGoalEvaluation |
StateGoalSelection |
StateInit |
StateRuleSelection |
Struct |
Struct class represents both compound prolog term
and atom term (considered as 0-arity compound).
SubGoalElement |
SubGoalStore |
SubGoalTree |
Term |
Term class is the root abstract class for prolog data type
TermQueue |
Terms |
Theory |
This class represents prolog theory which can be provided
to a prolog engine.
TheoryManager |
This class defines the Theory Manager who manages the clauses/theory often referred to as the Prolog database.
Var |
This class represents a variable term.