Class Struct

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Struct
    extends Term
    Struct class represents both compound prolog term and atom term (considered as 0-arity compound).
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Struct

        public Struct​(java.lang.String f,
                      Term... argList)
        Builds a compound, with an array of arguments
      • Struct

        public Struct()
        Builds a structure representing an emptyWithStandardOperators list
      • Struct

        public Struct​(java.util.Collection<? extends Term> terms)
      • Struct

        public Struct​(Term h,
                      Term t)
        Builds a list providing head and tail
      • Struct

        public Struct​(Term... argList)
        Builds a list specifying the elements
      • Struct

        public Struct​(<? extends Term> stream)
      • Struct

        public Struct​(java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> i)
    • Method Detail

      • emptySet

        public static Struct emptySet()
      • set

        public static Struct set​(java.util.Collection<? extends Term> terms)
      • set

        public static Struct set​(<? extends Term> terms)
      • set

        public static Struct set​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Term> terms)
      • set

        public static Struct set​(java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> terms)
      • cut

        public static Struct cut()
      • truth

        public static Struct truth​(boolean value)
      • directive

        public static Struct directive​(Term body)
      • atom

        public static Struct atom​(java.lang.String atom)
      • of

        public static Struct of​(java.lang.String functor,
                                Term term1,
                                Term... terms)
      • of

        public static Struct of​(java.lang.String functor,
                                Term[] terms)
      • emptyList

        public static Struct emptyList()
      • list

        public static Struct list​(Term... terms)
      • list

        public static Struct list​(<? extends Term> terms)
      • list

        public static Struct list​(java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> terms)
      • list

        public static Struct list​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Term> terms)
      • list

        public static Struct list​(<? extends Term> items,
                                  Term last)
      • list

        public static Struct list​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Term> items,
                                  Term last)
      • list

        public static Struct list​(java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> items,
                                  Term last)
      • tuple

        public static Struct tuple​(java.util.Collection<? extends Term> terms)
      • tuple

        public static Struct tuple​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Term> terms)
      • tuple

        public static Struct tuple​(java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> terms)
      • tuple

        public static Struct tuple​(<? extends Term> terms)
      • tuple

        public static Struct tuple​(java.util.List<? extends Term> terms)
      • getArity

        public int getArity()
        Gets the number of elements of this structure
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Gets the functor name of this structure
      • getArg

        public Term getArg​(int index)
        Gets the i-th element of this structure

        No bound check is done

      • setArg

        public void setArg​(int index,
                           Term argument)
        Sets the i-th element of this structure

        (Only for internal service)

      • getTerm

        public Term getTerm​(int index)
        Gets the i-th element of this structure

        No bound check is done. It is equivalent to getArg(index).getTerm()

      • isNumber

        public boolean isNumber()
        is this term a prolog numeric term?
        isNumber in class Term
      • isStruct

        public boolean isStruct()
        is this term a struct
        isStruct in class Term
      • isVar

        public boolean isVar()
        is this term a variable
        isVar in class Term
      • isAtomic

        public boolean isAtomic()
        Description copied from class: Term
        is this term a constant prolog term?
        isAtomic in class Term
      • isCompound

        public boolean isCompound()
        Description copied from class: Term
        is this term a prolog compound term?
        isCompound in class Term
      • isAtom

        public boolean isAtom()
        Description copied from class: Term
        is this term a prolog (alphanumeric) atom?
        isAtom in class Term
      • isGround

        public boolean isGround()
        Description copied from class: Term
        is this term a ground term?
        isGround in class Term
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object t)
        Description copied from class: Term
        Tests for the equality of two object terms
        equals in class Term
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • isClause

        public boolean isClause()
        Check is this struct is clause or directive
      • getTerm

        public Term getTerm()
        Description copied from class: Term
        Gets the actual term referred by this Term. if the Term is a bound variable, the method gets the Term linked to the variable
        Specified by:
        getTerm in class Term
      • getArg

        public Struct getArg​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets an argument inside this structure, given its name
        name - name of the structure
        the argument or null if not found
      • isGreater

        public boolean isGreater​(Term t)
        Test if a term is greater than other
        Specified by:
        isGreater in class Term
      • isCons

        public boolean isCons()
        isCons in class Term
      • isList

        public boolean isList()
        Description copied from class: Term
        is this term a prolog list?
        isList in class Term
      • isEmptyList

        public boolean isEmptyList()
        Description copied from class: Term
        is this term a null term?
        isEmptyList in class Term
      • isEmptySet

        public boolean isEmptySet()
        isEmptySet in class Term
      • isSet

        public boolean isSet()
        isSet in class Term
      • isTuple

        public boolean isTuple()
        isTuple in class Term
      • listHead

        public Term listHead()
        Gets the head of this structure, which is supposed to be a list.

        Gets the head of this structure, which is supposed to be a list. If the callee structure is not a list, throws an UnsupportedOperationException

      • listTail

        public Struct listTail()
        Gets the tail of this structure, which is supposed to be a list.

        Gets the tail of this structure, which is supposed to be a list. If the callee structure is not a list, throws an UnsupportedOperationException

      • listSize

        public int listSize()
        Gets the number of elements of this structure, which is supposed to be a list.

        Gets the number of elements of this structure, which is supposed to be a list. If the callee structure is not a list, throws an UnsupportedOperationException

      • listIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> listIterator()
        Gets an iterator on the elements of this structure, which is supposed to be a list.

        Gets an iterator on the elements of this structure, which is supposed to be a list. If the callee structure is not a list, throws an UnsupportedOperationException

      • unfoldedListIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> unfoldedListIterator()
      • unfoldedTupleIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> unfoldedTupleIterator()
      • unfoldedSetIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<? extends Term> unfoldedSetIterator()
      • listStream

        public<? extends Term> listStream()
      • unfoldedListStream

        public<? extends Term> unfoldedListStream()
      • unfoldedTupleStream

        public<? extends Term> unfoldedTupleStream()
      • unfoldedSetStream

        public<? extends Term> unfoldedSetStream()
      • append

        public void append​(Term t)
        Appends an element to this structure supposed to be a list
      • free

        public void free()
        dummy method
        Specified by:
        free in class Term
      • getPrimitive

        public PrimitiveInfo getPrimitive()
        Get primitive behaviour associated at structure
      • isPrimitive

        public boolean isPrimitive()
        Check if this term is a primitive struct
      • isFunctorAtomic

        public boolean isFunctorAtomic()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Gets the string representation of this structure

        Specific representations are provided for lists and atoms. Names starting with upper case letter are enclosed in apices.

        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • iteratedGoalTerm

        public Term iteratedGoalTerm()
        Description copied from class: Term
        The iterated-goal term G of a term T is a term defined recursively as follows:
        • if T unifies with ^(_, Goal) then G is the iterated-goal term of Goal
        • else G is T
        iteratedGoalTerm in class Term
      • accept

        public <T> T accept​(TermVisitor<T> tv)
        Description copied from class: Term
        Visitor pattern
        Specified by:
        accept in class Term
        tv - - Visitor
      • getArgs

        public Term[] getArgs()