Interface Pair<L,​R>

Type Parameters:
L - the type of the left element.
R - the type of the right element.
All Known Subinterfaces:
DoubleDoublePair, DoubleDoubleSortedPair, DoubleIntPair, DoubleLongPair, DoubleObjectPair<V>, IntDoublePair, IntIntPair, IntIntSortedPair, IntLongPair, IntObjectPair<V>, LongDoublePair, LongIntPair, LongLongPair, LongLongSortedPair, LongObjectPair<V>, ObjectDoublePair<K>, ObjectIntPair<K>, ObjectLongPair<K>, SortedPair<K>
All Known Implementing Classes:
DoubleDoubleImmutablePair, DoubleDoubleImmutableSortedPair, DoubleDoubleMutablePair, DoubleIntImmutablePair, DoubleIntMutablePair, DoubleLongImmutablePair, DoubleLongMutablePair, DoubleObjectImmutablePair, DoubleObjectMutablePair, IntDoubleImmutablePair, IntDoubleMutablePair, IntIntImmutablePair, IntIntImmutableSortedPair, IntIntMutablePair, IntLongImmutablePair, IntLongMutablePair, IntObjectImmutablePair, IntObjectMutablePair, LongDoubleImmutablePair, LongDoubleMutablePair, LongIntImmutablePair, LongIntMutablePair, LongLongImmutablePair, LongLongImmutableSortedPair, LongLongMutablePair, LongObjectImmutablePair, LongObjectMutablePair, ObjectDoubleImmutablePair, ObjectDoubleMutablePair, ObjectIntImmutablePair, ObjectIntMutablePair, ObjectLongImmutablePair, ObjectLongMutablePair, ObjectObjectImmutablePair, ObjectObjectImmutableSortedPair, ObjectObjectMutablePair

public interface Pair<L,​R>
A pair of elements.

This inferface gives access to a pair of elements <l, r>, where l is the left element and r is the right element. Mutability is optional.

Since pairs have many different interpretation depending on the context, this interface offers alternative but equivalent access methods based on first/second and key/value. All such methods have default implementations that delegates to the standard methods. Implementations need only to provide left() and right(), and possibly left(Object) and right(Object) for mutability.

Setters return the instance, and are thus chainable. You can write

and, if necessary, pass this value to a method.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default L first()
    Returns the left element of this pair.
    default Pair<L,​R> first​(L l)
    Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
    default L key()
    Returns the left element of this pair.
    default Pair<L,​R> key​(L l)
    Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
    L left()
    Returns the left element of this pair.
    default Pair<L,​R> left​(L l)
    Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
    static <L,​ R> java.util.Comparator<Pair<L,​R>> lexComparator()
    Returns a lexicographical comparator for pairs.
    static <L,​ R> Pair<L,​R> of​(L l, R r)
    Returns a new immutable Pair with given left and right value.
    R right()
    Returns the right element of this pair.
    default Pair<L,​R> right​(R r)
    Sets the right element of this pair (optional operation).
    default R second()
    Returns the right element of this pair.
    default Pair<L,​R> second​(R r)
    Sets the right element of this pair (optional operation).
    default R value()
    Returns the right element of this pair.
    default Pair<L,​R> value​(R r)
    Sets the right element of this pair (optional operation).
  • Method Details

    • left

      L left()
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      the left element of this pair.
    • right

      R right()
      Returns the right element of this pair.
      the right element of this pair.
    • left

      default Pair<L,​R> left​(L l)
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      l - a new value for the left element.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
    • right

      default Pair<L,​R> right​(R r)
      Sets the right element of this pair (optional operation).
      r - a new value for the right element.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
    • first

      default L first()
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      the left element of this pair.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to left().
    • second

      default R second()
      Returns the right element of this pair.
      the right element of this pair.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to right().
    • first

      default Pair<L,​R> first​(L l)
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      l - a new value for the left element.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to left(Object).
    • second

      default Pair<L,​R> second​(R r)
      Sets the right element of this pair (optional operation).
      r - a new value for the right element.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to right(Object).
    • key

      default Pair<L,​R> key​(L l)
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      l - a new value for the left element.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to left(Object).
    • value

      default Pair<L,​R> value​(R r)
      Sets the right element of this pair (optional operation).
      r - a new value for the right element.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to right(Object).
    • key

      default L key()
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      the left element of this pair.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to left().
    • value

      default R value()
      Returns the right element of this pair.
      the right element of this pair.
      Implementation Notes:
      This implementation delegates to right().
    • of

      static <L,​ R> Pair<L,​R> of​(L l, R r)
      Returns a new immutable Pair with given left and right value.
      l - the left value.
      r - the right value.
      Implementation Notes:
      This factory method returns an instance of ObjectObjectImmutablePair.
    • lexComparator

      static <L,​ R> java.util.Comparator<Pair<L,​R>> lexComparator()
      Returns a lexicographical comparator for pairs.

      The comparator returned by this method implements lexicographical order. It compares first the left elements: if the result of the comparison is nonzero, it returns said result. Otherwise, this comparator returns the result of the comparison of the right elements.

      a lexicographical comparator for pairs.